Those were NOT "mistakes" by the CDC. There was a deliberate, determined, and evil conspiracy to mislead the public (and the world) and create fear, anxiety, and panic, so that a handful of medical hacks could control the world's populations. And it worked.
But before CDC began publishing its bogus numbers, there was already a conspiracy in China, and there were co-conspirators in the WHO, the Imperial College (UK), NIH, NIAID, IHME, etc. to totally mislead and confuse everyone. The FDA and the AMA joined hands with these people to prevent the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) particularly as a combo package which was very cheap and very effective. Had HCQ been freely available to everyone at absolutely no cost, there would have been no need for lockdowns, masks, distancing, and all the other nonsense which accomplished nothing expect to destroy lives, businesses, and economies.
What should be carefully noted is that absolutely no government in the world did anything to seriously investigate this fraudulent *pandemic*, and now no government in the world is warning its citizens to avoid the bogus vaccines (since they are not genuine vaccines but mRNA vaccines, which are a totally different kettle of fish).