Often when I start thinking of my loves, I start fretting, especially with regards to my Mama. I would say that since I was in my early 20's, I started honing in on the fact that someday she won't be here. I know this pain is coming. I do this kind of anticipation of deep loss with my closest friends too. Not just will I lose them to death some day, but will we just stop the connection that means so much, will friction cause our amazing and secure bond to change or perhaps even cause it to cease to be…
Sure that can happen and has happened, heavy sigh…
My Lord, though, has really been helping me lately, though, penetrating my recalcitrant tendencies to dwell in the state of fear in facing life's potential, even possible inevitable, outcomes. The journey of life well lived comes with great loss.
He who is given much, is also expected much.
I have a handful of close friends who are invested in me, and I in them. We touch base almost daily. I have a couple that mean the world to me but we barely cross paths anymore. My point is this…
A relationship with others is founded on mercy, lots of it, and tender loving care, the willingness to reach out and to be available when others do the reaching. He gives so much with others, but we can see this truth most clearly with treasured daily encounters with our Lord.
When we seek Him out, go to Him, eager for the greatest connection of all, He comes to the table, eager to reveal His mercy and presence. He teaches us to love, outside of self, and outside of fear. He gives so much of Himself, everything good is given directly from Heavenly places. What really makes the intimate relationship with Him greater than any other...well lots of things. But one that stands out more right now is this….
For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39 ESV
No matter what, He and the heavenly divine and sacred communion with Him are eternal. He isn't going anywhere. We can lean in and on with such peace and assurance. So you see, we can actively love more fully, Him and others, knowing He will get us through, one on one, no matter the outcomes.
Sure that can happen and has happened, heavy sigh…
My Lord, though, has really been helping me lately, though, penetrating my recalcitrant tendencies to dwell in the state of fear in facing life's potential, even possible inevitable, outcomes. The journey of life well lived comes with great loss.
He who is given much, is also expected much.
I have a handful of close friends who are invested in me, and I in them. We touch base almost daily. I have a couple that mean the world to me but we barely cross paths anymore. My point is this…
A relationship with others is founded on mercy, lots of it, and tender loving care, the willingness to reach out and to be available when others do the reaching. He gives so much with others, but we can see this truth most clearly with treasured daily encounters with our Lord.
When we seek Him out, go to Him, eager for the greatest connection of all, He comes to the table, eager to reveal His mercy and presence. He teaches us to love, outside of self, and outside of fear. He gives so much of Himself, everything good is given directly from Heavenly places. What really makes the intimate relationship with Him greater than any other...well lots of things. But one that stands out more right now is this….
For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39 ESV
No matter what, He and the heavenly divine and sacred communion with Him are eternal. He isn't going anywhere. We can lean in and on with such peace and assurance. So you see, we can actively love more fully, Him and others, knowing He will get us through, one on one, no matter the outcomes.
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