I may have to write it in parts.
1) The nature of the 'system' that I believe Jesus will establish would be the first part - and take the least time to write.
2) Just exactly how this would translate into the current 'reality' - well, there is a lot more to it - and, it would take a lot more time.
(The short version.)
The 'system' that I believe Jesus will establish will be based on 'love' and not 'greed'. There will be no 'technology'; it will have been utterly destroyed; everything will be "set back" at least two or three centuries, if not one or two millennia. Everyone will work with their hands. There will be no money - not in a physical form nor in an abstract form. Bartering will not even exist. Payment for work will exist in a 'privilege-for-effort' form - whereby, the only requirement is that you 'contribute'. As long as you contribute, you have the privilege to obtain whatever you need and want.
The only "regulation" on this would be from things like "how you treat your neighbor", etc. - i.e. - "if you behave yourself, and make a sufficient worthwhile contribution to society, you can have anything you want" (not quite this literally, perhaps, but this is the 'base' idea) - and - the nature of the work.
The more "nasty" or "dangerous" the work you do, the higher 'rank' of privilege you hold.
Using today's system to illustrate - someone who emptied bedpans all day "for a living" would have a higher 'rank' of privilege than a politican or someone who spent their day in a clean office environment.
This is an almost complete 'flip' of what we have today. (because the system we have today is based on 'greed' and not 'love')
The system we have today is 'greed' driven, and says:
I want to do the least and get paid the most - and let those who are "less fortunate" in "playing the game" do all of the dirty work.
A system that is 'love' driven says:
Anyone who has a 'worse' job than mine should rightfully have a certain amount of 'privilege' - that I am more-than-happy for them to have - because, I am grateful that I am not doing that job.
People who were willing to do the 'worse' jobs would be respected for their willingness and given a higher 'rank' of privilege.
The 'rank' of privilege would then come into play when necessary to decide/determine priority in certain conflict situations where "things" are concerned. As an example - we have 47 'widgets' currently available and 53 people who want one. (Six people would have to wait until tomorrow or next week to get their 'widget'.)
This is a system where - everything is "payed for" by 'effort' - and, once something is "payed for" - "it is payed for" - no one has to "pay for it" again.
Once something is produced (i.e. - a man builds a piece of furniture, such as a chair) - it can only be 'given' to someone - and then someone else - and then someone else - etc. It may
never be 'sold' - it must
always be 'given'.
The central idea and main concept of this 'system' is:
Nothing will be 'bought' or 'sold' - all things will be 'given'.
To understand this 'system' properly, you must learn how to separate yourself from what you have been used to all of your life.
Everything we know and do is predicated on a lie. Satan has twisted things up so severly that it is difficult for people to think about this kind of thing in any other way than what we are all used to.
So, if you find yourself thinking "This will not work.", then your thinking is still too deep into the current paradigm.
And, for "a more perfect understanding", you need to understand the base difference between 'effort' and 'work'.
Can you see how all of this is the exact opposite of what Satan wants?
This 'system' represents "what really
should be" - and, I believe it is [at least] "somewhere close" to what Jesus will establish after He returns.
How this system -
which would be a complete-and-total "paradigm shift" - would translate into the current 'reality' is what PART 2 is about.
(may not get written any time soon)