God foresaw that the English language would explode around the world and the greatest missionary movement would come from English speakers. And that’s exactly what happened. God promised to preserve his words. He never promised to preserve his words in every language. The gospel, in it’s simplicity, can be given in every language.
These English speakers, you refer to (first language and otherwise,) around the world are all taught modern English.(Ask any EFL teacher.) Not 1600s English, from an era where the primary language was latin.
Unless God favoured the English speakers (when they were not a majority) of the 1600s, above those speaking the most Popular language of today (modern English), this argument is really invalid
and discounts that even at Pentecost God ensured every listener of every language heard His words in their own tongue.
I assure you He does not favour the English, nor is He sentimental over poetic archaic languages.
(I can also assure you the kjv, my favourite version as it Happens, is not easily understood by many modern day native English speakers, and most
Preachers have to explain many outdated words when they use it in sermons. (I have had unsaved friends baffled at meetings and asking me why they are talking in “Shakespeare”. Worse still is when it spills over into prayer! )
All this and I still Prefer KJV myself. But that is all it is, my preference.