This would be the dumbest move ever made by a president. He would lose the new election by a landslide, and ensure that the republican party would not win the house, senate, or the presidency for at least twenty years.
If the election is certified for Biden, the best thing that the president can do is to step down and set his sights on a republican house and senate in 22 and a republican presidency in 24. He should put that high powered lawyer team of his on ensuring that every fraudulent voter, vote gatherer, election counter is prosecuted to the maximum extent of the law.
I agree that at this time enacting martial law would be a big mistake, I think its saber rattling?
Trump has the battle ground States in his favor, the Pennsylvania Republican Legislature is de-certifying the fraud election, and they are picking their electors
Arizona, and Michigan just completed hearings, both have Republican Controlled Legislatures, its expected they will do the same?
As it stands, President Trump has all 3 States in His Corner, I believe Wisconsin is the same, major fraud, and Republican Legislature also
Georgia is a wait and see, they are also Republican controlled, will they call for a hearing?
On top of that,cases are heading to the US Supreme Court
It's a long way away from being a Biden win