Just for the sake of discussion, I know that this is not that situation, but in the case of martial law they can enforce curfews and penalties for non-compliance. If the situation was dire enough I think the governments have all sorts of power. I am not saying all countries would do that but it is not beyond the realm of possibility. I respect you Eli.
*********This is just my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt, or something like that.**********
I don't want to argue, but i think we are living in martial law now. Not only that, but I believe we are being trained to live like prisoners, so when we finally are thrown into prison, we are already prison trained.
It started off with the airports after 911...take off your shoes, get body scanned (pat down), and questioned about what you are doing, and where you are going.
Now they are slowly taking away our ability to be economically self sufficient, so when the offer universal basic income, than we will mostly be dependent on government wages. Than they will probably make demands like, take this biometric identification in your hand, or you won't get basic income. Get vaccinated or you won't be allowed to leave the house. Stuff like this.
They want the population under 500 million, so expect massive deaths. This Indian Prophet Sundhar says, a new virus will be coming soon, will be much worst than Corona, and will be much more painful. We can wait to see if it's true, but the guy has been intriguing for sure.
Wars are heating up as well as political unrest, so someone will get blamed for everything. We will be encouraged to be patriotic and get the bad guys......More death.
The New World Order is here and yes, I believe in some conspiracies. Prince Charles is about ready to become King real soon, and some believe he is the anti-christ. We will have to see how that plays out. There is also the prophecy of the popes, and the current pope is projected to be the last. Not sure if it's true or not, but we can wait and see.
Who knows what the future holds, but this is just my take on what could be coming soon. Hopefully my opinions are wrong and we are gonna go back to normal....Doubt it though.