While reading Mr. Tozer's book, The Pursuit of God, I find myself wrapped up in a tingly blanket of resonace.
The author talks about how our faith takes us from just believing in an ideal or being loyal to a principle, to having intimate acquaintance with God. He brings forth scriptures that discuss our senses like taste and see that He is good, or the sheep hear my voice, or blessed are the pure at heart for they see God…. and on and on.
He stated something like this….Faith, given by Him, allows a receptivity of the individual to receive the manifestation of God. Wow….powerful, huh?!!
God isn't merely a notion, an idea, a gift of the imagination that helps us cope with the existential terrors of existence that life brings. He is real, He has a personality, He is dynamic, He is Holy, He is the ultimate moral compass, and He longs, yearns, seeks, even insists, on our fellowship with Him. We were made to be and dwell together.
God, Himself, the most selfless being ever, wants us to die to self, so we can make room for Love, for Him that is Love, so His truth can rise above our ashes.
In the stillness of this quiet and peaceful morning, I almost hear His beckoning. This is not absurd. Quite the contrary, He is calling to You also, right this very moment.
Don't worry about the thou shalts. He is so much more than the precepts, laws, and ordinances. Just come to Him. He will get you where you need to be. Not man, Jesus Christ, alone!!
He will rock your world, all while being the rock on which you stand.
Thank You Lord!!!
The author talks about how our faith takes us from just believing in an ideal or being loyal to a principle, to having intimate acquaintance with God. He brings forth scriptures that discuss our senses like taste and see that He is good, or the sheep hear my voice, or blessed are the pure at heart for they see God…. and on and on.
He stated something like this….Faith, given by Him, allows a receptivity of the individual to receive the manifestation of God. Wow….powerful, huh?!!
God isn't merely a notion, an idea, a gift of the imagination that helps us cope with the existential terrors of existence that life brings. He is real, He has a personality, He is dynamic, He is Holy, He is the ultimate moral compass, and He longs, yearns, seeks, even insists, on our fellowship with Him. We were made to be and dwell together.
God, Himself, the most selfless being ever, wants us to die to self, so we can make room for Love, for Him that is Love, so His truth can rise above our ashes.
In the stillness of this quiet and peaceful morning, I almost hear His beckoning. This is not absurd. Quite the contrary, He is calling to You also, right this very moment.
Don't worry about the thou shalts. He is so much more than the precepts, laws, and ordinances. Just come to Him. He will get you where you need to be. Not man, Jesus Christ, alone!!
He will rock your world, all while being the rock on which you stand.
Thank You Lord!!!
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