So honestly I do not know exactly the accuracy of the simpsons predicting the future and haven't really put to much stock in it but I do think it is kind of odd how they accruately predicted certain things such as Trump being president way before he even ran and yes they say if you do enough episodes of anything then your bound to get some things right but scientifically is this is impossible
According to science if you take one action od do one thing the results of what that action does could end up having over 6 million the hundred and forty five different out comes and that is based on that action alone not anything that could affect it outside your own action such as the actions of others the weather accidents ect. so there are literally infinite possibilities to the out come and thus even if we were to base it on an episode of the simpsion with them claiming to have done so many episodes it has a .000002 percent of being exactly right in predicting without any insight or inside knowledge
This was always something I was curious about but never really thought it was important enough to research, then I was watching hulu last night because I finally was able to get my account back after forgetting the email and password to my account and the first thing that showed up as the latest halloween episode of the simpsons talking about making fun of the elction for 2020 so I was like ok might well give it a shot.
It goes on to begin with homer forgetting to vote and falls asleep after his wife nags him about how this is the mosat important election in history and will shape the future and he says to himself eh what could happen.
Then it goes to show January 20th 2021 where the world is in ruin robots are walking around and the four horsemen of the apocalypse shows up
This actually got my attention because even though I have felt and seen the signs of coming disaster and destruction and how close we are to the actual tribulation I still have been doing lots of studies on bible prophecy and God has lead me to study biblical numerology not the false occult one in my studies there are certain numbers that spoke to me and two of them was 20 and 21
20 as expected many claim how it represents sight revelation unveiling of the hidden and in this year alone not just me but many others who the holy spirit has actively been working and unveiling things and experiencing things we never have before has rang true but it also represents a trial, a period of waiting and if it is successfully completed, the reward is generous and full of God’s love, in other case the punishment is just and right.
@1 however represents sin and God dealing with the sin and corruptness of man with his judgment and wrath which made me of course wonder if the year 2021 might be when the tribulation truly begins but then saw this episode and was like that cannot be a coincidence but again I am not sure how reliable the simpsons predicting the future really is
According to science if you take one action od do one thing the results of what that action does could end up having over 6 million the hundred and forty five different out comes and that is based on that action alone not anything that could affect it outside your own action such as the actions of others the weather accidents ect. so there are literally infinite possibilities to the out come and thus even if we were to base it on an episode of the simpsion with them claiming to have done so many episodes it has a .000002 percent of being exactly right in predicting without any insight or inside knowledge
This was always something I was curious about but never really thought it was important enough to research, then I was watching hulu last night because I finally was able to get my account back after forgetting the email and password to my account and the first thing that showed up as the latest halloween episode of the simpsons talking about making fun of the elction for 2020 so I was like ok might well give it a shot.
It goes on to begin with homer forgetting to vote and falls asleep after his wife nags him about how this is the mosat important election in history and will shape the future and he says to himself eh what could happen.
Then it goes to show January 20th 2021 where the world is in ruin robots are walking around and the four horsemen of the apocalypse shows up
This actually got my attention because even though I have felt and seen the signs of coming disaster and destruction and how close we are to the actual tribulation I still have been doing lots of studies on bible prophecy and God has lead me to study biblical numerology not the false occult one in my studies there are certain numbers that spoke to me and two of them was 20 and 21
20 as expected many claim how it represents sight revelation unveiling of the hidden and in this year alone not just me but many others who the holy spirit has actively been working and unveiling things and experiencing things we never have before has rang true but it also represents a trial, a period of waiting and if it is successfully completed, the reward is generous and full of God’s love, in other case the punishment is just and right.
@1 however represents sin and God dealing with the sin and corruptness of man with his judgment and wrath which made me of course wonder if the year 2021 might be when the tribulation truly begins but then saw this episode and was like that cannot be a coincidence but again I am not sure how reliable the simpsons predicting the future really is
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