Canada is neither a socialist nor communist country if that is what you are implying ...neither is there no free speech.
I hear this kind of thing from Americans who really should know better
I would not have married my husband if he had spouted this kind of thing. frankly, we have secure elections, our healthcare system was one of the best until they started letting everyone use it...including Americans who come to Canada exclusively for the healthcare so they don't have to pay the gajillions...and that is a fact not known by everyone, but money talks.
to me, people are people, but when folks get on the 'everyone' bus, that is a paintbrush far too wide and is always in error
I will tell you what though, Americans are quick to argue with you. I find my own husband a little too much opinionated and tell him so. Americans, for the most part, do not seem to actually understand how Canada operates or the fact we are a little more open to the rest of the world and realize there actually is a rest of the world
so I guess this post will secure the angst and anger against me here LOL!
but I'm ok.
and speaking of the healthcare system, I am still trying to find a doctor who gives you more than 10 minutes and does not order 25 blood tests to tell you what is not wrong with you rather than trying to find out what is wrong with you
I have found ONE really good doctor here, who I think I will go back to...and the caveat? she is not a doctor. she is a nurse practitioner.