After salvation, does God override one's free will? How much obedience or "action" must be produced to determine if one is actually saved?
Why must you always flip it like that? Every time you come at it like this. "how much do I have to do?, what's enough to know I'm saved"?
It's such a straw man be cause you're not working to earn something. You already have it, From Him, For FREE, and you know this and I know you know that we know this, "come on man". His Spirit changes us. I can only speak for myself, but I
desire to please Him now, and when I do something outside His will then His Spirit lets me know, and convicts me, then guides me back towards all truth. This is what His word says will happen as well. It's in no way trying to earn anything and you always go to this kind of perspective like you're trying to turn it into a works salvation thing. NO! Just NO! We are ALREADY SAVED. Get it, and by His power, always for
His glory we
WANT to please Him. How do you still struggle with this? You are not at all seeing it clearly, or at all being intellectually fair with what's being said to you. To be honest you seem to have a problem with a Christian who works. Why? Are you doing nothing for the Lord?
Your life, habits, outlook, complete way of thinking from the inside out has not been changed by our Lord Jesus the Christ? I have to imagine it has if you're saved, knowing Him myself and all not to mention this lining up perfectly with His revealed word, but if it hasn't in your life, and works just seem to make you cringe and cause you to always rush to downplay them and state why they are not necessary instead of encouraging them in His work and building the kingdom, then just maybe you haven't been born again. You should seriously soul search yourself if you deny being born again comes with changes. Our very natures are changed by our Creator and we are made whole and reconciled to Him. This is Him letting you KNOW it is all truth, you actually meet, know and are forever connected to God, then you want to argue we could go on to do nothing in His name to point the glory to Him. What you seem to be suggesting makes no sense at all, never, not one of the 1,000's of times you rush in with this point has it ever made sense in light of the truth. Please find another point to crusade against other than the Christian who does works telling everyone it's unnecessary, or whatever point your really making here because you're honestly never that clear about what you're trying to say, what you're main point is. All I gather is you think works are irrelevant and unnecessary, as if it's possible for God to save someone with no purpose, or even more clearly that a saved person can not work for Him, that that's even possible.
You always say and use "do you still sin?" like it ends the argument, and it's such a jerky question to throw out there in this debate. The answer is yes, and because of His mercy, and by His power I HATE it, and I am at war with it in a way impossible outside His power. That is what I've found being born again is, God's power to make us WANT to be more like Him, that His Spirit takes an active role in ever believers life, so this "do you sin" question isn't the "end all" to this argument seem to think it is. Why do Christians promote sinning? Why are you promoting sinning like this, as if we are still defeated by it? You ask that question as if the fact we have to say yes is a good thing. It's just a weird position for a Christian to take in my opinion. Yes we do what we hate, and don't do what we should wretched men that we are, but you know the miracle? THE STRUGGLE inside we could never have in the flesh alone. This tired argument falls flat. Praise Your name Jesus for your children that boldly proclaim Your name in POWER even when "brothers and sisters" discourage it, and speak against the things the Lord has called us to do as if He saves us to do nothing. I love you and pray you light a fire in every single one of them to glorify your name with the personal gifts you've given them to do so with, in Jesus awesome and powerful name. Amen.
Work for my Father for live!!!!!!!!!!