What I want to send to the cray CC notifications that never notify me of threads I ACTUALLY want to follow (like this one) but always notifies me of things in threads I have been scrolling through once or twice
oh wait, now that I am here, the notification is alerting me to tourist post.....
okay, think I'm caught up.......
so GregoryP and Dcon have been banned (must be a lot of that going on lately because there are others I have noticed this happening to as well,

odd though, personally there are some I think should be and yet are still
trolling floating around here)
lets see, what else?
OH! Santa doesn't wear a thong, as in the teeny tiny undies but rather thong as in sandals (more commonly referred to in the US as flip flops)
ya'll had me rolling reading those post.
It's fall ya'll! You know what that means?
time to cut out my sodas, and switch to pumpkin coffee