Hi everyone, I've been struggling with my conflicting thoughts about my relationship, need Godly advice please. I've been dating this guy for a year now and we are in a long distance relationship. He's divorced and I've never been married before. He claims to be a Christian and he says he believes in Jesus, but I have a few concerns. 1. He listens to the 'audio version of the Bible' but I have never seen him read the Bible, or use a hard copy or never carries one to church. 2. He prays but I have never seen him kneeling down, and he doesn't end the prayer in Jesus name. I tried to explain to him why it is important to end a prayer in Jesus name but he never did that even after I mentioned it. Not sure if it is my fault but I kept dating him anyway because our core values and beliefs are the same. When I visited him a couple of months ago, he told me clearly that he wants to have a future with me and wants to make our relationship work, we even talked about the possibilities for me to move his city to end the long distance. However, after I came back from him, he was fine for about a week. Then I started to feel that he stopped talking about our future. For the last couple of weeks, his behavior has been very shady. He is less available to talk on the phone, he is vague about meeting some of his friends and we stopped praying together (we used to do it in the first week of my return). I know that he is lying to me because his words do not match his actions. Some days when I try to call him, he panics because there is 'someone' with him. He tells me that he is going to meet this particular 'friend' and that he will call me once he is back (he is trying to avoid me calling him while he is with his friend). I tried to confront his lies but he straight away denies his lies. He then kept seeing his 'friend' quite a few times in the last few weeks. Whenever he goes to meet this 'friend' he sends me a message before so that I will not call him. Other than this, there were also couple of instances where his behavior was shady. But he still claims he wants to meet me and behaves as if he is serious about us. I'm visiting him again in a few days and I don't know how to deal with the situation. I cannot confront him because I don't have any solid proofs if he is cheating on me. I know lies are unacceptable, but I don't exactly know if he is seeing another woman or who that other 'friend' is and what level of relationship he has with that person. I'm totally confused, his lies break my heart. When I try to talk to him about it he never admits to it so there is no point in wanting to have an open communication about it. I have been praying about it but God has been silent and I haven't gotten any answer. I don't know what to do, should I break up with him? or should I give him a benefit of doubt and move on with our relationship? He is a very nice guy but his lies are a big red flag to me, even worse that he doesn't admit them. Other than this he is a pretty good guy, and I'm constantly struggling between the thoughts that should I forgive and love him like Jesus does to us, or should I breakup with him for his lies. please advise.
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