Ok, I have to day first off, I find it sad and ironic that they would be referred to as "the woke", because in this and many other others they are missing God's Devine Truth.
Secondly I do trust that you are correct. Disney has been for quite a while, headed this way. So, I believe, that some in high places truly believe this is the right coarse to steer the ship. While they and others are truly following the money trail and thus "the woke" (I say that term while rolling the eyes of my heart) crowd. I sign of the times we live in sadly enough, where everything has become about the crazy and unsavory things this world believes and even holds dear. Lastly, if I had paid good , hard earned money to see the Rise of Skywalker, and gotten that far into the movie and seen that, even though it would not surprise me in the least for Disney to do this and push this as ABC (not the alphabet, don't want to have anybody eyeballing those three letters) tends to put things like that into there shows, as do the other major networks (not sure if Fox has as of yet, but they are not what they used to be news wise overall). And for all those English majors and school teachers bored at home and getting ready to read marker their computer screens, sorry for the run on sentences. Had a lot to say and like the Energizer bunny, I kept going and going...