You didn't really read this post. I just want to tell you that he has come. If you always want to take the Bible against the Bible, I have nothing to say. I have already said what should be said, the evidence that should be given and has been given. These are not what I want to say, but what I saw unintentionally. I don't want to be different from others,
This is not the last failure , 70AD announced that he would come back, this time he really came, why can't you believe ?after 2000 years.
Hello sorberxp!
No, Jesus has not already come. There a myriad of problems with the preterist view, which is what you are claiming whether you know it or not.
Jesus said, "I will build My church and the gates of Hades shall not overcome it." Regarding this, the church is still in the process of being built.
Jesus made a promise in John 14:1-3 to His disciples, as well as to all believers throughout the entire church period which says:
"In My Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am."
Therefore, when Jesus resurrected and later ascended to the Father, He went to the Father's house (heaven) to prepare places for every believer. Then He said that He would come back to get us and take to those places that He prepared for us, which again is in the Father's house. The detailed account of His returning to gather His church is found in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
"For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will be the first to rise. After that, we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord."
All that said, if you have Jesus already returning in 70 AD, then it would mean that He did not keep His promise us and only gathered those in the church up to the when the temple was destroyed, with the rest of the church up to this very moment being left out of the promise.
Furthermore, Jesus never announced that He would come back in 70 AD, as His return has always been imminent. We have no record of Jesus ever gathering the church.
Just fyi, it is important that you understand that the Lord coming to gather the church vs. the Lord's return to the earth to end the age, that they are two separate events which take place at least seven years apart and these events having two different purposes.
Scripture is clear in that, the wrath of God will take place in conjunction with the time leading up to the Lord's return to end the age and initiate the millennial kingdom. The wrath of God will be carried out via the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments, with Jesus returning to the earth after the 7th bowl has been poured out.
None of these things have been fulfilled and are therefore still future.
Regarding the Lord's return to the earth to end the age, Jesus said that "The inhabitants of the earth would see the Son of man arriving on the clouds of the sky and that every eye would see Him, even those who pierced Him." As Jesus is returning to the earth, the following will take place:
* The beast and the false prophet are captured and thrown alive into the lake of fire
* All of those kings, generals, their armies, etc., will be killed with the double-edged sword which is figurative for the word of God
* An angel will call all the birds together to gorge themselves on the flesh of those who will be killed by the double-edged sword
* An angel seizes Satan and throws him into the Abyss and seals it over him during Christ's thousand year reign
* The great tribulation saints are resurrected
The fact is that, none of those events have taken place.
I just wrote and drew what I saw, and a lot of what I saw I didn't write and draw.
When you claim to have seen a vision or have a dream, they must be supported by scripture, otherwise there would be no way for believers to know whether they are true or not. In this case, the gathering of the church has not yet taken place and none of the events previously mentioned have been fulfilled. Without them, your claim is empty, having no fulfillment. We would have to abandon the rest of the scriptures regarding end-time events and take you at your word.