Racism is OK. After all, God created people in races, so God is obviously a racist. Racism is overrated as a problem. There are enough people in every race that you do not have to deal with people of other races and could just stick to your race if you don't like treatment by other races. The only people who complain are the proud lustful greedy ones that want the goods of the white race because they don't like their own race. They're the true racists!!! As a white person myself, I wouldn't say I get treated well by races other than white, but you don't see me going out and complaining or shouting rudely about it. That's what false beggars do. That is beggars who are begging for pride, lust, and greed not because they're truly poor. Anyways, I never give attention to people complaining rudely about anything. If you complain rudely, you lose all credibility for your cause because you're trying to right a supposed wrong by committing more wrong. If you can't ask nicely, or if you don't get what you want nicely, then it means you're seeking the wrong thing or you're at the wrong place at the wrong time and should leave. Godspeed.
RACIST means different things to different people.
I think what AndyM is trying to explain is the nature of people to live in exclusive groups for the purpose of safety and nurture. The Bible tells us God deliberately provided the family and community unit for nurture and protection. Mankind is basically a murderous lawless creature. That's why we have laws and religion.
Today in America we see the rude extension of exclusivism. Born of a need for security by the major group (whites), it suppresses the lesser ethnic groups. This isn't simply an American trait. All nations do it. Today in America the term RACIST is reserved solely for whites, despite a very clear demonstration that it is part of black culture too.
There is no such thing as a black racist." - Jesse Jackson
What Mr. Jackson and his kin refuse to acknowledge is black hatred for whites and white society expressed in song and attitude and violence against law enforcement, monuments and white businesses. Oh yes Mr. Jackson, there IS such a thing as black racism.
I am not here declaring that injustice toward blacks is imaginary (Asians and Native Americans can give examples of ethnic injustice too). Sadly it's too true and too common. What I am declaring is that
until and unless blacks forgive whites there will NEVER be peace between the races.
Until and unless whites acknowledge that government/social repression can turn back on itself and ravage them too, there won't be proper incentive to suppress injustice everywhere. The common danger we must defend against in America is hatred. We are burning ourselves to death because of it.
There is infection in the land far worse than COVID. It is the infection of hatred and there is no inoculation against it. There is only forgiveness motivated by REPENTANCE.
Until and unless we forgive one another, God will NOT forgive us. America will NOT be blessed any more. We shall writhe and twist and suffer in our own stew until we've cooked ourselves down into a hard tasteless crust worthy only of the garbage bin of history.
that's me, hollering from the choir loft...
(*) It has been said (by blacks) that every child receives THE TALK from his/her parents when they are young. THE TALK is similar to "birds and bees" sexual instruction except that it's riddled with warnings, unpleasant examples and explicit directions that are uncomplimentary toward whites - in other words, black racism.
The unjust extension of the black accusation of RACIST now extends to ALL WHITES regardless of their character or sympathy for others.