So I've been married for just barely 3 years now. My wife in the beginning was on fire for God but has changed. She doesn't agree with most of the Bible, thinks abortions are a women's choice and tries to convince me that it's right I disagree, thinks that preaching the gospel is shoving it down peoples throat and so fourth. She completely stopped coming to church, but I still go. My wife had some sexual encounters in the past that were abusive so I'm told. In our first year of marriage the intimacy was pretty good until I decided to sneak one in without the use of a condom, got in some trouble because of that, but its been well over 2.5 years and I've never done any thing like that again and yet I feel she still has not forgiven me. Says she feels disconnected, even took one for the team by getting fixed. I use to make moves on her regularly but gave up because of the rejection. Its been 6 months since my wife and I been interment. She pulled me aside today and said its not you but because of my past I feel dirty and don't want to engage in intimacy. I asked if she wanted to go see a Christian counselor and she immediately said no because she feels that the counselor we judge her according to the Bible based on God's plan for the husband and wife. Things are looking up for me, still actively at work, I'm more than half way completed my training at the volunteer fire department in my community, I'm helping more at church. I believe that marriage is for better or for worse. I told my wife I'm here and ill support her anyway she'll let me. Any advice would be appreciated as I don't know what to do at this point.
Well its hard to really know someone.
Most people are outwardly who they wish they where, not who they really are.
What can I say, without believing in the cleansing blood you feel dirty because you are dirty.
I can suggest the obvious, prayer.
I can suggest to do a word study in the bible with her on being clean.
Not looking to convince but listening to understand one another and understand God.
Do all the things you can do to build the intimacy of truly knowing one another completely, the good and the bad and the ugly and the dirty. Not everyone is capable of going there, fearful of being known but to the extent someone is that could help.
is she perusing sexual pleasure in a self centered way? Ask her, and if so ask her to stop and stop yourself if you are.
Make a deal with one another, either together or not at all
To the extent both are comfortable with a thing do that.
Little steps to build up trust and intimacy.
Was it just your actions that one time, if she cant forgive and let go of, that is on her.
Has she cheated on you, was she raped and is not saying anything? why the sudden change?
Is it more then her past?
Is there something she needs to confess to you and be forgiven of?
Either the person you knew was not who she really was or something happened or something she was hiding has finally overcome her.
The point is go discover your woman...
Find out every little detail she is willing to give you and understand her, then wash her clean with the water of the word, daily speak Gods word to her fears and hurts and filthiness.
It is the job of a husband, if she trust in you to do it then its on you to do it for her.
If she is not willing to submit to your authority to help her in this way, then the outcome is all on her.
All you can do is pray and do what God says.