OK. I can see why. You have embraced the verses that say "cast into" literally as being cast into a location. But, just for the argument's sake, lets agree that it can also mean, cast into a situation. Example; "the death of my wife CAST me into deep depression". Example; "The money policies of central banks have cast the economies of nations into disarray".
If we take the first meaning, we have to have a LOCATION. Now
Isaiah 66:22-24, speaking of the New Earth, says;
22 "For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain.
23 And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.
24 And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh."
- Verse 22 addresses Israel on the New Earth. It promises that the "seed", or the offspring, or the people of Israel will never again be cut off.
- Verse 23 introduces geographical phenomena of the moon in 28 days, and solar phenomena of 7 days. This shows a physical earth, and not heaven, for cycles of the moon and sun affect the EARTH. And the requirement is that "all flesh" must come to worship before God. Now, since on the New Earth we have "all flesh" (since all men are resurrected - Rev.20), the Lord must be living on earth in Jerusalem as Jesus Emmanuel.
- Verse 24, if taken literally, says that once they have worshiped Emmanuel (God with us), the worshipers will leave Emmanuel and "go forth". And in "going forth", "all flesh" will "look upon" men in the Lake of Fire. This places the Lake of Fire next to Jerusalem. And since it is literal, then right next to God's Residence is a LOCATION of screaming men and literal smoke ascending day and night. Even worse, next to God's residence is a LOCATION that that contains "an abhorring to ALL Flesh". Now ask yourself, is there any king who ever lived, who would set up his palace next to Lake of Fire that is full of screaming men and women, IN SIGHT all the time, with the sky full of smoke, and a putrid stink reaching the noses of all flesh?
But if we take the second meaning, that of living men suffering INTERNALLY - tormented in their bodies and souls, as Matthew 10:28 and Mark 9:43-48 say, there is no stink to disturb the tranquility. On any one day one can walk through Central Park, New York, and walk past people suffering immensely, but without a sound or smell of their torment. A divorce, a bankruptcy, the death of a loved one, depression, mental illness are all present in the people who walk through Central Park. Yet do you notice? Only if they are marked! If New York introduced a tattoo across the face of pedophiles, then, to the passerby thy would become "an abhorring to all flesh"
I think that if we take all the evidence, then the Lake of Fire, which is described by the Greek word "perdition" is place where an individual can be, but it is a "place" of immense and unending physical and psychological suffering. The term, "LAKE" gives the connotation of the earth's two floods when God judged the earth before Adam (Gen.1:2) and at Noah's time. That is, the sufferers will be IMMERSED in pain. The term "FIRE" gives the connotation of continuous agonizing flame. True to all God's examples, the Lake of Fire conjures up, in one short phrase, all the suffering and misery fo those "who transgressed against God".