The lockdowns imposed by state and local officials are resulting in disturbing social indicators, including increasing death rates. After five months of continued lockdowns, suicides, homicides, domestic abuse, child abuse and child sexual assault rates are skyrocketing, causing many to ask, “has the cure become worse than the disease?”
The Disaster Distress Helpline, a service of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), reports a heartbreaking 891% increase in calls for help when comparing March 2020 to March 2019.
“There has been another cost that we’ve seen, particularly in high schools. We’re seeing, sadly, far greater numbers of suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose,” said CDC Director Robert Redfield.
Pandemic’s effect on already rising suicide rates heightens worry: Economic and social pressures brought on by COVID-19 lead to elevated risk
Will COVID-19 Make the Suicide Crisis Worse?
Domestic Violence:
In the U.S. and around the world, domestic violence rose by 33% just in the first week of the COVID shutdowns, according to a United Nations report. Women’s shelters across the U.S. are overflowing and reporting record high calls for help as five months of forced COVID shutdowns are stressing households in new and brutal ways.
The Covid-19 Pandemic Has Escalated Domestic Violence Worldwide
UN chief decries 'horrifying' rise in domestic violence amid virus lockdown
Child Abuse:
The National Sexual Assault Hotline has experienced the highest numbers of crisis calls in its 26-year history, with half of the calls coming from minor children.
"Their safety net collapsed during this period," says the Rape Abuse and Incest National Network's National Sexual Assault Hotline, (RAINN) President Scott Berkowitz said. "Normally, the first people to spot signs of abuse are adults outside the immediate family: teachers and guidance counselors and the parents of friends.” But with schools being shut down, the children have no access to their safety nets and no way to escape danger in their own homes.
COVID-19 Lockdown Increases Child Abuse Risk
National Sexual Assault Hotline sees record demand during pandemic. Many reaching out are children.
Murders in the U.S.A. are up 24% for the year, resulting in 3,600 people killed as of August. The Wall Street Journal reports that nearly three quarters of the nation’s largest cities have seen double-digit increases in murder rates. Chicago had the highest homicide rate in history this July. Compared to last July 2019, Atlanta reported a 240% increase (from 5-17), and New York ra 277% (from 13-48). This trend was well established before the BLM and Antifa riots began, although widespread lawlessness has exacerbated the rising homicide rate.
July Deadliest Month in Chicago History
Homicide Spike Hits Most Large U.S. Cities: Journal analysis shows double-digit increases in 36 of 50 biggest cities amid pandemic
Untreated Medical Conditions:
The likely highest human cost are the lives lost when hospitals were forced to shut down all departments not associated with COVID. This meant that cancer screenings, treatment and even surgeries were delayed by months. And for many, that delay was fatal.
A study from the University College of London and the Health Data Research Hub for Cancer reports that due to delays in diagnosis and treatment, an estimated 33,890 Americans will needlessly die because COVID shutdowns prevented treatment of their cancers.
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