He suffered so that we MAY live. But does his suffering compare to that of the majority of humans who are destined for eternal torture?
Jesus went to hell as a man.
Took over the place and left with they keys.
He satisfied justice, paid your debt.
One perfect, for all the imperfect.
He defeated death taking away its power our us spirituality.
Removed the separation that was between God and man
so we could be reconnected to what God is once again.
Even more to make us into what He is.
So you don't have to die a spiritual death when you enter the presence of God.
Spiritual things are eternal.
What happens to darkness when you turn on the light?
That's the spiritual reality of hell.
Darkness in the light.
God is an all consuming fire.
We who come to Him do so with what the Spirit of Christ in us has made fireproof.
Our nature, transformed into the nature of light, into what can survive in his presence.
Into what He is in Spirit.
What is heaven for one is hell for another, the very presence of God.