🧐 “I’m not political.” 🤔
Who are you listening to? lol 😅 ❤️
I don’t like that you’re being ganged up on Blue, but they aren’t wrong about what they are saying. You are expressing certain talking points that would label you as liberal and left leaning especially when you started saying you are ashamed of being white and American. The first thing that came to my mind when you said this was, “Why would you be ashamed of who God has ordained you to be?”
I understand if you aren’t happy with the state of affairs of things, but to renounce your skin color and the nation that has afforded you such wonderful freedoms? You shouldn’t have white guilt over the sins of white people from the past and you shouldn’t be anti-American because progress can always be made and continues to be made.
Reform in societal institutions to keep things running smoothly (or make them run smoothly) is a good thing. While statistics don’t agree with the BLM movement, again, reform is good. So people want change, great! That’s good. However, painting a false narrative has led to division and resentment, dare I say covetousness (“white privilege”).
You don’t reach equality by tearing others down, you let them see your value, your inherent worth, and what you bring to the table. Do you think a business cares if you’re black if you can increase their profits by, lets say, 15% this coming quarter? They want results. What do you bring to the table?
A lot of people are getting fed up and tired of the BLM movement and all the marches. They are tired of being defamed as a racist because they don’t agree with them as an organization or the constant barrage of anti white, anti cop, and anti American rhetoric. Imagine, they wanted to defund the police! They are taking over city blocks. It’s absurd.
People are losing careers over disagreeing with BLM, and being called racist. I bet you some firms or lawyers are going to make bank soon with all these defamation lawsuits. And I hope they do. These companies are unjust in their decision of letting people go and then justifying it by labeling them as a racist and thereby affecting their ability to get another source of income.
I keep hearing people like
@Susanna saying that the majority don’t experience racism, only minorities do, but all I keep seeing is white people being degraded by the color of their skin. “Repent of your white privilege.” Just the other day I heard someone complaining that the CEOs of certain companies in the Fortune 500 are all white. How is that not racism? That’s like someone complaining the majority of an NBA team is all black. “All they do is hire black people.” That sounds racist!
Anyways... just some thoughts. 💭