I'm almost to the point that I wish all Law Enforcement peoples would just walk away and leave people to it!
Let those who preach hatred for Law Enforcement, and the Politicians who preach defunding of Police Departments deal with what will come to the streets of America.
The Jews moaned and belly ached about wanting a King, and, finally God got tired of it and GAVE them what they wanted........ anyone know how that worked out for the Jews?
Yes, there are bad Cops, and they need to be identified and weeded out........BUT........... the greater percent of Law Enforcement persons are good and decent people doing a dangerous and thankless job.
The people I see on my TV screen protesting against the Police are an embarrassment to humanity IMO
We will never walk away from our duty to protect and serve.
But many of us are tired of the one dimensional way of thinking about law enforcement.
Many of us are tired of the bad cops giving us all a bad name.
Many of us are tired of the hatred minorities in this country are experiencing.
Many of us are tired of no good unions protecting bad cops. I have personally fired several rotten apples over the last few years just to be demonized by the unions protecting them.
Many of us can understand why people are protesting against what’s going on in our country. But we will bring in anyone looting or rioting. That’s not acceptable.
We need a brand new way of educating officers to weed out the people not acceptable in the service.
This is my two cents, but law enforcement is changing for the better. In a decade I’m sure we will be better off than today.