After rewatching the video several times, knowing who this guy is, the convenience of a cameraman, walking straight at a line of police, yet not getting him actually hitting his head, the weird blood coming out of ears, I am now of the belief that the Whole event is a setup.
I would concur.
People are being fed information crafted to direct their thought processes in a way that feeds into the current political situation in this country. Can Christians be fooled? Appeal to their sense of fairness or what they believe constitutes the enactment of God's love (while forgetting His intolerance of sin) and behold out they come all outraged against those who actually are not the culprits.
Right now, there is a State Dept. news briefing and FOX has decided to show instead an apology from the General that was photographed when Trump stood before the church in DC. Totally political.
The State Dept. briefing consisted of Pompeo, Barr, Esper and one or two others. It concerns the ICC wanting to bring US military personal up for trial before them...12 judges. This, is a very important development that concerns far more than some politically motivated bloviating General who made a decision and is now making a big deal about wishing he had not appeared with Trump.
This was on OAN, while FOX played the big apology.
As we know, FOX is doing its very best to keep both ideologies before their cameras rather than leaning to a more conservative approach. To put this man in place of the State Dept. news briefing is just about criminal IMO. People re being fed rather than informed.