The most DAMNABLE lie was made by the serpent in the Garden of Eden.
From this has spawned heresy that will take people to hell.
Gen.3:4-5 And the serpent said unto the woman,ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day thou shalt eat thereof,then your eyes will be opened,and ye shall be as gods,knowing good and evil.
He convinces people that's not REALLY what God means.
This lie has been stated on cc.
If God's word is infallable and the authority of His being,He has SAID what He means and means what He has SAID!
Ez.18:4-18...........: the soul that SINNETH,it SHALL DIE.
Not lose rewards nor receive a slap on the wrist but DIE!
Titus3:11 Knowing that he that is such is subverted,and SINNETH,being condemned of himself.
Subvert KJ dict. Overthrown ,overturned,entirely destroyed.
Subvert KJ dict. To corrupt, to pervert the mind and turn it from the truth.
I've recently seen a member say repentance is a change in the!
1 Jn.5:18 We know that whatsoever is BORN OF GOD sinneth not,but he that is begotten of God KEEPTH (action of believer) himself,and that wicked one toucheth him not
Rms.6:23 For the WAGES of sin is DEATH;but the GIFT of God is ETERNAL LIFE through Jesus Christ our LORD.
Wage KJ dict.- to venture,to make,to begin
" - labour for pay,reward or fruit.
We must be sure our walk is grounded in the word of God,not doctrines and Creed's of men!