yes, all-or-nothing thinking is often found in depressed people.
but it sometimes occurs in other people as well.
when I read your posts, I often come away with the impression that you believe that a person must worship the true God in spirit and in truth (that would be the "all"), or they are not worshipping the true God in any way (that would be the "nothing").
as an example,
32They worshiped the Lord, but they also appointed all sorts of their own people to officiate for them as priests in the shrines at the high places.
how can you worship God, the true God, and at the same time make your own priests which I'm pretty sure God commanded not to do?
and sacrifice on high places, which again I'm pretty sure God commanded not to do?
I believe when I pointed this out to you in the past, your response would be that they only think they worship the true God.
but that basically requires modifying the text, which is altering the scriptures, or,
to put it charitably, using a very loose interpretation of the scriptures.
of course, it's fine if a person wants to use a loose interpretation of the scriptures.
but then, to be fair, that person should use the same loose interpretation for other texts, including the CCC the lumen gentium.