God likes it when we show love for one another. That is my motive. And what is more, He actually said that those who keep his teaching, the Father will love and they will come and make our home in them. I long ago moved beyond salvation to loving God with my being as my desire. There is more to the Kingdom of God than salvation, assuring yourself you got it, worring if you are losing it and thanking God you are going to Heaven.
I can assure you, that without holiness, (works), shall no one see God. But one cannot make up what good works He will like. Doesn't work that way either. They might be saved and going to heaven. But instead of hearing "well done" they might hear something much less pleasant.
What works is God pleased with? Obedience to Him. I know that is not directly answering your question but your question assumes thoughts I just do not have at all. I do not think of my salvation anymore. I think of obeying Him each day as it appears to be desired and that takes up all my thinking time when it comes to these matters.