I know this will probably be lost in the pages of the bdf as most threads that stay alive are not of this nature but God placed my heart to write a poem and this poem in particular I knew was for the body of Christ so I pray that it reaches those who would hear and listen because this poem is for you
Let the sunshine glisten, allow the streams to flow unburdened, show the brilliance of the shining moon as she brightens the darkness of the night. Sing of birds of fortune, blow oh winds of stirring for a day of days is at hand. The fire that burns in the heart of the king, the light of which shines forth his magesty blinding as it is, the voice that calls just over the horizon speak the name of whom you have adored.
The name of all names and the Lord of all Lords. the lion and the lamb the mighty and the meek. For he himself has known and will speak, for he himself has bought and will covet. For the blood of the king a royal sacrafice has he given for his chosen ones.
A pouring he give them a title he grants, authority is theirs and sent forth have been called. Arise oh warriors of our Lord for your time is at hand, raise the shouts and the battle cries for the battle is here. The darkness has onslaught and the wicked have prevailed, the light in hearts of all is dimering and the tears of the battered overflow
A year has come of trouble and fear, a sickness abounds and the world enrages. The fires of war in the minds of the world a the prayers of the saints ascend. A power that comes a moving that nears, fear not beloveds for your struggles will fall, cry no more oh bruised and battered warriors for your prayers have been heard. An answer that comes swifter than the lightning, a fire that has risen in the hearts of his children. In sync are their spirits in ringing is their voice.
For in their souls they sense it, in their eyes they burn it, in their blood they surge it. A prophecy is given a promise to be kept. A mystery at hand and A walk now over. Hear the joy that uplifts in the heavens accept the scroll of your calling. For the time has come and is here even now that the king calls for arms. Fall oh you spirits of blood and wickedness for his army is ready, stagger solders of the fallen for you will soon fall. Walk in shame enemeis of the king for his children will push back, shout in anger of wicked ones for in his power they soon will walk.
An anointing will they recieve and in new light shall they conquer, in life and in power shall the come soon to meet you. A thunder you shall hear of the sound of his mighty ones a shiver down your spine will you quake. No more will you weaken their souls, no more shall you have influence over their hearts for they have been empowered by the one you have slain. Listen oh precious ones to the lords calling, for he is speaking and he is calling. Soon will you recieve the scroll of the call and near is the calling of your name. For you know full well what the spirit is speaking though you understand it not, for you see clearly what is at hand over the horizon though you conceive it not, and you hear the calling stirring inside though you express it not.
Listen To the voice inside that whispers for these things are not unknown, hear the calling that he presents to you beloved and accept it. As before an outpouring comes near and your arms are you called you take,
For very soon shall you walk in his power like never seen before
Let the sunshine glisten, allow the streams to flow unburdened, show the brilliance of the shining moon as she brightens the darkness of the night. Sing of birds of fortune, blow oh winds of stirring for a day of days is at hand. The fire that burns in the heart of the king, the light of which shines forth his magesty blinding as it is, the voice that calls just over the horizon speak the name of whom you have adored.
The name of all names and the Lord of all Lords. the lion and the lamb the mighty and the meek. For he himself has known and will speak, for he himself has bought and will covet. For the blood of the king a royal sacrafice has he given for his chosen ones.
A pouring he give them a title he grants, authority is theirs and sent forth have been called. Arise oh warriors of our Lord for your time is at hand, raise the shouts and the battle cries for the battle is here. The darkness has onslaught and the wicked have prevailed, the light in hearts of all is dimering and the tears of the battered overflow
A year has come of trouble and fear, a sickness abounds and the world enrages. The fires of war in the minds of the world a the prayers of the saints ascend. A power that comes a moving that nears, fear not beloveds for your struggles will fall, cry no more oh bruised and battered warriors for your prayers have been heard. An answer that comes swifter than the lightning, a fire that has risen in the hearts of his children. In sync are their spirits in ringing is their voice.
For in their souls they sense it, in their eyes they burn it, in their blood they surge it. A prophecy is given a promise to be kept. A mystery at hand and A walk now over. Hear the joy that uplifts in the heavens accept the scroll of your calling. For the time has come and is here even now that the king calls for arms. Fall oh you spirits of blood and wickedness for his army is ready, stagger solders of the fallen for you will soon fall. Walk in shame enemeis of the king for his children will push back, shout in anger of wicked ones for in his power they soon will walk.
An anointing will they recieve and in new light shall they conquer, in life and in power shall the come soon to meet you. A thunder you shall hear of the sound of his mighty ones a shiver down your spine will you quake. No more will you weaken their souls, no more shall you have influence over their hearts for they have been empowered by the one you have slain. Listen oh precious ones to the lords calling, for he is speaking and he is calling. Soon will you recieve the scroll of the call and near is the calling of your name. For you know full well what the spirit is speaking though you understand it not, for you see clearly what is at hand over the horizon though you conceive it not, and you hear the calling stirring inside though you express it not.
Listen To the voice inside that whispers for these things are not unknown, hear the calling that he presents to you beloved and accept it. As before an outpouring comes near and your arms are you called you take,
For very soon shall you walk in his power like never seen before
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