Very true. I try and only use the words of scripture. If the receive it, they’re not receiving my words but God’s words.
I am glad you are an Evangelist, thank you for your efforts for CHRIST. I thought you were talking about being a PASTOR, which needs to be Teaching the entire BIBLE throughout his Ministry. Evangelist are mostly teaching the GOSPEL, to the UNSAVED. Pastors are Teaching the mostly SAVED Congregations, and are trying to Teach in a way to lead them to Spiritual MATURITY. Over time, they should be teaching the ENTIRE BIBLE, verse by verse, but jump around from book to book, to keep it interesting.
I am unsure what TRIPPED Lightskin's trigger, but I will deal with it the only way I know how. Maybe it was my post
#135,117 . Maybe it is my colored Bold Print, but it is NOT SHOUTING, as Facebook Claims, and I do not have a Facebook account. WHEN I went to High School in the 60's, it only was used for EMPHASIS, nothing more. It is HARD to teach an old dog new tricks. I hope it did not offend you, because that was NOT my purpose. My purpose was to be sure you were not teaching a Watered down Gospel of EASY BELIEVISM. I am sure you recognize those TV evangelist that ONLY tell people,
"Just accept Jesus as your Savior, and You are SAVED.", and One more scalp for the ministry. That is not quite the TRUTH. That is what I mean by Easy Believism's, FALSE GOSPEL. The whole world wants a SAVIOR, almost. BUT VERY FEW WANT A LORD, THAT THEY WILL LOVINGLY SUBMIT TO, RUNNING THEIR LIVES.
Compare that to what the BIBLE actually says:
Romans 10:8-10 (NASB)
that is, the word of faith which we are preaching,
that if you confess {Not just profess an intellectual fact as truth,} with your mouth Jesus as Lord {You have to have mourned over your deep conviction of utter Sinfulness, then surrendered to HIM as LORD of your life, out of pure Agape LOVE, first for it to be a true CONFESSION.} , and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;
for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness,
and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
1 Thessalonians 1:5 (NASB)
5 for our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction; just as you know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake.
Yes, I absolutely believe EASY BELIEVISM,
as I described it, is a FALSE GOSPEL.
Personal History:
You see the LORD put it on my heart to move from Nebraska to California, where I carried mail by day, and I became the First Volunteer at the newest supermax Prison, by night. I was asked to use the Title: Volunteer Chaplain, because the inmates needed to know I was just part of the STAFF, not some Volunteer from the outside that they could MANIPULATE. I was at that Prison for 9 years, then moved to another town, and Volunteered in another Prison for 6 more years, which also was a supermax. My sermons were SUBJECTIVELY, because I would never have any Inmate long enough to teach verse by verse through a BOOK, so by teaching Subjectively, I was able to maximize what the inmates heard from the Pulpit. I trusted HIM to give me the WORDS HE WANTED Taught, TOTALLY. HE WAS FAITHFUL!