Interesting that you do not read the warning: "Thus you nullify the word of God by the tradition you have handed down. And you do so in many such matters.” When you say eat whatever you want to eat even if it is going to make you sick and kill you then you nullify the word of God when we are told to: Choose life not death: "This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live" (Deut 30:19)
God has a plan and a purpose and if we choose to be sick and die early then we are not going to be alive to accomplish all of God's plan and purpose for us in this life. Even babies are aborted so they do not get to experience any of their life here on Earth. We know that this is the work of the serpent " The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy" (John10:10)
I have been through Cardiac rehabilitation. I have seen the people that were killing themselves with their diet and life style choices. I see the medical profession doing all they can to turn these people around to get them to eat right begin to take their health serious. I made very good friends there. A man who did construction work like I did so we had so much in common. A very nice guy who owned a dairy queen restaurant that was a victim of his own poison. I saw a women that was so fat it took a bunch of medical people to get her on and off of the exercise equipment. But once she got on there she did pretty good with it and eventually she could have gotten herself straightened out. I had a diet I lost about 160 pounds once, even though over the years I gained 40 or 50 pounds of it back.
"Then I will say to myself, “You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take it easy. Eat, drink, and be merry!” But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be required of you. Then who will own what you have accumulated?" (Luke 12:19,20)