I share with you a verse that perhaps many churchgoers do not know?
Revelation 13:7
And I say to you, do not be discouraged. In Revelation 14, I think, Jesus helps us overcome.
I've always seen this passage
(Rev13:5-7) as parallel with what is stated in
Daniel 7:20-25,27, where in that passage it states,
in v.21 (about the "horn" of v.20), "... the same horn MADE WAR
with the saints,
["prevailed against them" and "overcome them" being equivalent, in these two passages]
[note Jesus' words in Matthew 16:18, though, where He specifically is speaking of "My Church" that He "WILL build," says, "the gates of hell/hades
WILL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST *it*[/His Church, aka "the Church
WHICH IS HIS BODY"--see Eph1:20-23
WHEN (as to its existence)]."]
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