I had a feeling. I understand the doctrines of the Reformation, but I don't always remember the proof texts they use for everything. So between you and I, I would love to get your Scripture references along with any doctrine you quote here. Are you a Cessationist too?
Define cessationist.
Some "continuationists" think that "the gifts" are isolated to miraculous sign gifts, such as tongues, interpretation of tongues, healings through a specific individual, and prophecy.
When they use the phrase "the gifts", what they are really talking about is their version of these particular gifts, which I don't think that they are exercising.
I do not deny the possibility that God may use any of the above at any future period of time, but I don't think that current-day charismatics are exercising these gifts.
For instance, I believe "tongues" should be translated as "languages", and this gift relates primarily to human languages. I know that there are a few difficult passages in regards to this view, but that is my overall understanding of tongues. And, do I think God could give someone the ability to speak and/or translate other human languages? Absolutely. He gave mute men the ability to speak. He created Adam with the ability to speak. He could give me the ability to speak or interpret another language at his sovereign will.
I don't believe any individual is gifted with healing, but I believe that God heals upon the prayers of his people, if it is his sovereign will.
And, false prophecies are uttered on a regular basis. Even charismatics will admit that. Do I believe God is the author of false prophecies? No. And, if the error rate of alleged prophets is pretty much 100%, that's no more than guessing.
I categorically deny that there are modern-day prophets and apostles. And, if there were real prophets and apostles, I don't think they would strut around declaring themselves to be such. If I see someone using those titles, they are automatically discredited in my mind. Their self-affirmation societies mean nothing to me.
You know you can join some societies of prophets and apostles for about 500 dollars online? You can even get a husband/wife discount.
Most of all, from what I understand, many churches who claim that the gift of tongues is for today will exercise their alleged tongues in an unbiblical manner, speaking all at once, without interpreters. Additionally, several former charismatic friends have told me that they were deceived into thinking that their tongues speaking was real, when in fact it was not. I suppose in most cases, people who claim to speak in tongues are coached into it by someone, and it is not a spontaneous, uninfluenced occurrence.
You ask if I am a continuationist. Like I said, it depends on your definition. If you are asking whether I believe the vast majority of charismatics and their claims, no. If you are asking whether I think they have the correct understanding of some of the biblical gifts, no. If you are asking whether I believe God could give all biblical gifts to individuals according to his sovereign will, yes. If you are asking whether I think that all the gifts of the Spirit must be operational at all times in some person throughout all church ages, no.
Call me what you want. Continuationist or cessationist. I don't care.
My view is that some charismatics have shamed the church through their odd behaviors, and if they are real Christians, they should be held accountable. Anyone who dares to claim God said something when, in fact, he did not is using the LORD's name in vain. Even if they are perfectly sincere in their false prophecies.