No need to worry. All I ask is that when someone says the science shows this and the science shows that, they present actual science to back it up. Not regurgitated conspiracy garbage based on complete hearsay. In other words, if you say that the science shows something, it's your responsibility to show the actual science.
Well, let's see. We have some mysterious illness pop up seemingly out of nowhere, and instead of suggesting poisoning, we automatically assume that a virus did this? Irrespective of the recent coverage of 5G that has occurred in many of the areas that this alleged "virus" keeps popping up?
There is no proof of any virus, and no reason to presume that a mysterious virus should remain so long in hiding and suddenly make itself known now, only to spread throughout the Earth. None of Koch's postulates for establishing the proof of an infectious agent have been used to verify the claims about this covid-1984.
However, it is a known fact that 5G roll-out is a change that occurred immediately preceding these sicknesses in many areas, it is agreed that no official safety studies have been conducted for roll out of 5G, it is well accepted that 4G and other frequencies do have a negative impact on human health, it is known that 5G will be a more intense radiation due to it's inability to cover the distances that 4G can (so towers every hundred meters or so), it has been established that up to 90% of 5G radiation at 60GHz is absorbed by skin, it is understood that at 60GHz oxygen absorbtion of 5G is nearly 100%, it is a fact that electromagnetic radiation causes cell poisoning... What's the more likely scenario?
Hint: 5G causes cell poisoning, which causes the body to get sick, which causes cells to release exosomes (which are misidentified by incompetents as the mystical covid-1984).