Can you explain why you think they cause a roadblock?
1st, There seems to be a misunderstanding. Who said God commanded anyone to build a temple? No one I have ever heard, Was a student under, Wrote a book I have read. Or people I know thinks God commanded anyone to build a temple. So if this is one basis for a barrier for you. Well this barrier should be removed, Because no one has ever claimed or said this
2nd. Prophecy. Prophecy is the act of God telling prophets to write down things which will happen in the future, They are literal events, Not commands. But peak into some future event which will happen. And of course, they serve one purpose. To Prove to whoever witnessed those events, That the God who fortold those things, is the one true God of the universe Since no other God can do what God has done, Which is fortell future events, and they happen word for word exactly as God said they would happen. So prophecy is not adding to the word of God. It is taking what the word of God has already stated will happen. And interpreting has been fulfilled as fulfilled. and what has not yet been see as yet future, but we can have faith those future events will be just as fulfilled as the past events were fulfilled
3. This is not about salvation. The priest who went into the holy place for the three years of Jesus ministry did not do anything which caused the forgiveness of sin for one person. It was, as all temple things were A picture if you will. of what the true messiah would do to make atonement for the sin of all mankind. So to try to make this a salvic issue, as some are trying to do. Is to take all things out of context.
now concerning the temple and prophecy
God said it will happen Yep and it did just like He said, not like YOU say. He said within that generation.
I believe it will happen (because it has not happened yet<--- says you/not my authority)
No one will be saved by the jews rebuilding the temple
Nope you're right, and it WILL NOT BE God's temple. That age is over forever, welcome to the age of grace and the kingdom of God, now not later. If you are born again you are in the kingdom.
No one will be saved because a priest re-enters the holy place on the day of atonement-
duh, all completely pointless, like Jesus said "it is finished".
In fact, they jews who rebuild it are STILL in sin, Because if they received her messiah, they would never build the temple, and need God just like the rest of us
, there is no Jew nor gentile, no male or female. I gotcha.
But again, This does not preclude the fact, God said it will be rebuilt, A prince will commit an AOD. Immediately following will be a great tribulation. which will ONLY be put to an end by the return of Jesus.
No you are wrong here, you HAVE to presuppose another temple because you don't believe all these things are fulfilled. I do. God never says a 3rd temple will be built, please correct me with scripture if I'm wrong.
BTW you have a misunderstanding, I said God did NOT tell us to build a temple, see like in 1 Chronicles 6-7 He tells David Solomon is to build the temple. 6 “The Lord said to me, ‘Your son Solomon is the one who will build my Temple. I have chosen him to be my son, and I will be his father. 7 I will make his kingdom last forever if he continues to obey carefully all my laws and commands as he does now.’ Without Him commanding it built, it's not His. See the point now because you're missing it.
OT prophecy also states, At the endof this tribulation. Israel will repent. Call out to JESUS (yes JESUS) as the tax collector did. Call out for him to come rescue them, and As the prophet says, that is exactly what he will do. He will save them, and the world (those who endure to the end) who have not rejected him.
Nope and you acting like there is "another plan" for the Jews will send them to hell. EVERYBODY goes to the Father by Jesus only. The plan was fulfilled. They are to come to Him now, like ALL nations. Trying to push these events into the future messed ALL this up.
It all fits as a neat little puzzle. As long as we take prophecy for what it is.. And do not try to make it something it is not
Yep and not your puzzle here, at all.
Prophecy of the temple is not for salvation. It is a look into the future of something That God has seen will happen.
Duh, it's about the judgement that follows salvation.
I know that was a lot this time, but I thing it all builds a pretty strait forward case against even the possibility of another "God's temple". I hope this made sense and wasn't disrespectful at all, I appreciate the restart.