Hi Everyone,
With so many people in dire need right now, this question has really been on my mind.
When we ask God for something, how many times should we ask? For instance, many of us singles continually go to God with the request for a Godly spouse. But is there a point where we should just trust that God has heard our request, and then move on to praying for other things, or the needs of others instead?
Some of the Biblical examples I have been thinking of are:
* The fact that we are TOLD to present our requests to God (Philippians 4:6-7) -- but how many times should we make the same requests?
* We are also told to pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) -- but should we always be praying the same prayers? (After all, Jesus Himself tells us not to make our prayers into vain repetitions -- Matthew 6:7.)
* The story of the unjust judge tells us to be persistent (Luke 18: 1-8) -- the woman's request is rewarded because she doesn't give up and keeps asking.
* Likewise, Hannah, the mother of Samuel, prayed so passionately for a son that Eli, the priest, accused her of being drunk (1 Samuel 1:9-28). I'm pretty sure that Hannah had gone several rounds with God about this before as well.
However, what about the flip side?
* When Moses was disobedient to God and pleaded with Him to allow Him to enter the Promised Land, not only did God say no, He even went so far as to say to Moses, "Do not speak to Me again about this matter," (Deuteronomy 3:26.)
* I have always been intrigued by the fact that both Jesus and Paul made their most personal requests to the Lord exactly 3 times before receiving the final answer (Jesus asked for a way other than the cross, but the cross was the way that God had chosen-- Luke 29: 39-46; Paul asked 3 times that "the thorn in his flesh" would be removed, but God told him, "My power is made perfect in weakness" -- 2 Corinthians 12:9.)
These are the questions that I've been asking myself -- what would your answers be?
* How many times should we ask for something -- or should we just keep on asking, unless we're given some kind of absolute?
Lately I have been thinking that maybe I should only ask for something 3 times as Paul and Jesus did, then just trust that God will choose the best answer, no matter how long it may take. The reason I'm asking myself is because:
* How do we know when our prayers have become too selfish, focusing on what WE need or want, when maybe God wants us to focus more on the needs of others?
* Have you ever had a time when you believed God was telling you (like Moses or Paul), that He had already made up His mind, and that He had given you His final answer? Was it the answer you had hope for or not, and what did you do next?
I'll be looking forward to hearing what others have to say about this topic (and yes, in the meantime, I'm going to start working on Part 2.)
With so many people in dire need right now, this question has really been on my mind.
When we ask God for something, how many times should we ask? For instance, many of us singles continually go to God with the request for a Godly spouse. But is there a point where we should just trust that God has heard our request, and then move on to praying for other things, or the needs of others instead?
Some of the Biblical examples I have been thinking of are:
* The fact that we are TOLD to present our requests to God (Philippians 4:6-7) -- but how many times should we make the same requests?
* We are also told to pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) -- but should we always be praying the same prayers? (After all, Jesus Himself tells us not to make our prayers into vain repetitions -- Matthew 6:7.)
* The story of the unjust judge tells us to be persistent (Luke 18: 1-8) -- the woman's request is rewarded because she doesn't give up and keeps asking.
* Likewise, Hannah, the mother of Samuel, prayed so passionately for a son that Eli, the priest, accused her of being drunk (1 Samuel 1:9-28). I'm pretty sure that Hannah had gone several rounds with God about this before as well.
However, what about the flip side?
* When Moses was disobedient to God and pleaded with Him to allow Him to enter the Promised Land, not only did God say no, He even went so far as to say to Moses, "Do not speak to Me again about this matter," (Deuteronomy 3:26.)
* I have always been intrigued by the fact that both Jesus and Paul made their most personal requests to the Lord exactly 3 times before receiving the final answer (Jesus asked for a way other than the cross, but the cross was the way that God had chosen-- Luke 29: 39-46; Paul asked 3 times that "the thorn in his flesh" would be removed, but God told him, "My power is made perfect in weakness" -- 2 Corinthians 12:9.)
These are the questions that I've been asking myself -- what would your answers be?
* How many times should we ask for something -- or should we just keep on asking, unless we're given some kind of absolute?
Lately I have been thinking that maybe I should only ask for something 3 times as Paul and Jesus did, then just trust that God will choose the best answer, no matter how long it may take. The reason I'm asking myself is because:
* How do we know when our prayers have become too selfish, focusing on what WE need or want, when maybe God wants us to focus more on the needs of others?
* Have you ever had a time when you believed God was telling you (like Moses or Paul), that He had already made up His mind, and that He had given you His final answer? Was it the answer you had hope for or not, and what did you do next?
I'll be looking forward to hearing what others have to say about this topic (and yes, in the meantime, I'm going to start working on Part 2.)
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