To you O weary soul I speak to thee. I hear your crying in the silence of solitude, I see your tears in the face of pain and I feel your agony in the depths of darkness. Alone you are not for I am with thee, Blind you have been but I will let you see. Fallen you have but I will raise you up,Strength you are lacking but I will fill your cup.
To you who read and listen Do not fear for I am your God, to you who bury your heart and hide your suffering in the darkness open the doors.
For I will walk in and banish the darkness in my name, with the power of my word the suffering will bow. By the touch of my hand your life is anew and my strength is yours. I have known and have not gone away, in your suffering and in your sorrow through your tears and with your bleeding you have been shattered and broken you have been lost and alone. The darkness has all but consumed your weary soul and you cry out to the one who saves for peace.
Long have you waited, true and faithful you have tried to be and I have seen your struggles in your season and have seen your brokenness. But alas my child hear my voice, I was never gone and in your times of sorrow I was your tears. In your times of suffering I was your pain, and I went through all with you though you knew not.
But my dear child did you not know? You who have suffered and bleed in sorrow and pain will be my right hand, you suffer for the glory that is to come and is here even now. You who are my chosen, you who are my cherished one will show my might and glory in your pain and your suffering. As one heart, married in the bonds of the soul we shall raise a mighty rod against the darkness and you shall be my hand and feet.
A calling I speak to you, a dove cometh with a scroll and a seal in it's talons. You my strong warrior will take this scroll and when I call your name I shall remove the seal,.When I do a blazing fire shall your eyes be. My power shall you wield. My glory shall you radiate and my life will your name now be. A glorious and wondrous destiny have I written for you in the stars, a chosen generation have I made in you. My precious one do not fear anymore and let not the suffering and tears be a curse unto thee. For it your pain and tears that have built you in my image and in my image your are mine. Rejoice little one and lift your eyes to the heavens for I am coming and will call you, take up your rod and stand against the the darkness that surrounds you for you will soon be my blade and my honor and glory shall you bring to my name everlasting and for eternity.
For even now a door is opening and a scroll will unfold in the heavens, a calling of my own desgin will be given to you and my army shall rise. Steel your heart my child for I am coming and will come soon the world expects it not and prepared will they not be, but you who I have marked and branded with my love, you who my hearts delights in shall be raised higher than your predecessor's and for every tear you shed I will bless with vast treasures. And so my little warrior bare the hardships for only a little while longer for I am coming for my beloved and will not dawdle