I guess you could say they learn from the ones who started it. It was the roman church who ruled with an iron thumb with hatred and disdain for everyone who did not agree with them. I guess its alright when you did it. But not ok for everyone else? One could say your getting back what you did for over 1000 years.
You keep talking about Catholic ruling people with an iron thumb and hatred. Were there disgraceful incidents? Of course, we're human and the Lord warned that there would be wolves among the flock. But those are the minority in history. The point is, it's not alright for ANYONE to look down on others with hatred and disdain.
The funny thing is most people are NOT hating on you. I have a muslim family that lives next door. And a wonderful catholic family on the other side. I do not hate either one of them. We bbq all the time, and spend alot of time together. We disagree on things, much like we do on here. The difference is they do not say I hate them because I disagree with them. Nor do I hate them because they disagree with me.
The roman church is the only church I know of (extremist islam is getting just as bad) who does the following to all who disagree with them.
1. Say they protest the church
2. They are not part of the true church
3. They hate us
4. They are trying to convert us
1) So you're not protesting the beliefs of the Catholic Church?
2) A demonstrable falsehood. The Catholic Church has been quite clear that Protestants ARE members of the Church. We may not fully understand, but there have been numerous OFFICIAL statements from the Catholic Church that acknowledge the validity of Protestant baptisms, acknowledge their zeal and love for the Scriptures, and also acknowledge that the Holy Spirit is moving in some ways. While we do think that the Catholic Church has the fullness of truth, we certainly don't deny that the Protestant communities are somehow joined with us in some way.
3) As mentioned above, there's numerous OFFICIAL documents from the Catholic Church acknowledging the validity of Protestant baptisms, etc. These same documents also go on and on about the joy we find in your zeal for the Lord. We don't hate Protestants, heck, I WAS Protestant! The Catholic Church does NOT hate the Protestants. We love you and want to share the fullness of Truth with you. We want you to become closer to Our Lord.
4) And you're not? What Catholics want is for Protestants to grow closer to Our Lord. We want to help you experience the closeness found in the Eucharist. We want only to help you grow even more in love with Our Lord Jesus. That's all.
I could go on and on.
You claim we all hate. Maybe you should look in the mirror, And you can see where alot of the anger against your church comes from.
I am not angry. I just love discussing Gods word. Oh wait I forgot. We should not do that and leave that the the experts. (rolls eyes)
You're not angry? You sure seem angry. You seem contemptuous of our beliefs, you think that we should discount the opinions of people who knew the apostles directly, and that we Catholics have actively destroyed documentation of people opposing our views. You keep making claims against the Catholic Church that are demonstrably false. And when we point these things out, you call us hateful. You tell us that our opinions are invalid, that our interpretations of the Scriptures are invalid. In this very thread, we are accused of being sent by Satan! And we have to put up constantly with the implications that we are not Christian, that we don't belong here on a CHRISTIAN chat.
So yeah, there may be an impression that some people hate us here.