The reaction is Canada 2,000 people die each year in car accidents, another 10,000 on top of that are seriously injured. Does that mean we shut down all motor vehicle traffic, and feign disgust toward anyone who doesn't agree?
The same with allowing alcohol, and marijuana, and cigarettes to be sold in a nation that it takes a lot of people's lives.
But those things are not contagious diseases that spread like the coronavirus, but they make that decision to do those things, but they should still take them off the market if people are being hurt from it if they really care.
But what I do not understand is how they could not have known in advance to prepare for it, for if it started in China then why did not the USA start preparing for it because it might come to them.
And seeing the affects in China and then President Trump saying it is alright just wash your hands, social distancing, and taking such a nonchalant approach to it.
And then wear a mask.
And then shutting down businesses putting people out of work.
Arguing over a stimulus package stalling it when people need money.
Then the people of different facets of society have it, health care providers, the police force, politicians, celebrities, sports players, the military.
Are they trying to immobilize America.
It is on the mountains, down in the valleys, here and there, to and fro, America having the largest number of people affected, the death toll could be great despite people wearing masks more, and practicing social distancing, and staying at home.
And now 2 Walmart employees died so what are they going to do now shut down the Walmarts, and then the grocery stores.
Are they trying cripple us and cause us to collapse on purpose.
Are they following the new age movement and their plan.
Are they are of the inner circle of the occult and they are in control.
And on the back of the dollar bill announcing the conception of a new order of the ages, and out of many, one.
Are Republicans and Democrats working together the Hegel System, and then they will cooperate bringing all the people together.
Are America and Russia working together the Hegel System.
America- religious, spiritual, belief in a higher power at their start.
Russia- atheist at their start.
America takes prayer out of school and teaches evolution.
Russia starts allowing Christianity.
New Age movement- atheist, but spiritual, believe they are still evolving to be greater and spiritual, belief in a higher power the God of forces, or the power of nature the evolutionary process.
Which the new age movement interprets the Bible that way, and all religions, and the man Jesus evolved to be an ascended master and avatar.
Do not believe the New Age Christ will help them to have peace on earth, and to evolve, until the nations come together as one to work for peace on earth, which the first thing he will do is establish a peace treaty in the Middle East between the Jew and Palestinians, and the work as a great man of peace in the world, and push the agenda of the new age movement as religion.
President Trump said America laid a path towards peace in the world in which nations can thrive and flourish next to each other.
Wants the United Nations to take a more active role in the world, and for the nations to step it up and work for peace in the world.
Pushes peace in the Middle East and a peace treaty between the Jews and Palestinians.
Took prayer out of school and taught evolution, a big surge of superhero movies, occult card games, occult video games, occult in the movies.
How can they not know in advance, be so nonchalant about it at first when people study viruses and diseases and know what they can do, and the evidence in China, and Italy.
Are they following the new age movement plan and their interpretation of the Bible has changed to evolution, and the exaltation of people with no higher authority above them.
There could be a coronavirus, but is the 5G technology hurting people but they blame it on the coronavirus, for it has shorter waves lengths so a person gets hit with more waves, and higher frequencies.
4G, 700-2500 MHz, 2.5 GHz, Verizon says it uses 28 GHz for 5G.
But the 5G technololgy waves can only go for about 500 meters so they put up many mini towers, and it does not penetrate buildings and trees that good, so they will use the other wave lengths with it, but if a person is close to a mini tower could it affect them to where they can get sick, and mess with their body functions which we have electricity in our bodies.
Controlled conflict brings about controlled change.
After WW1, set up League of Nations.
After WW2, set up United Nations, New York, United Religions, San Francisco.
Desert Storm, George Bush, the senior, talked of a new world order for peace in the world, and Iraq crisis first test for the new world order.
They might be following the new age movement and their plan on how to establish the New Age Christ kingdom in which there will be peace, and they will evolve to be greater and spiritual.
For that is how the new age movement interpret the Bible.
But they do not believe in a personal God, so there is no God to fear, or offend, or punish them for their wrong doing, and they will not show compassion from God, and they are of the occult and want to exalt themselves through the power of nature, so they are highly selfish, and self exalting, so they probably will not let anybody get in their way of getting what they want.
And many nations with America for her peace agenda in the world including Italy, and Europe, and Russia.
China wants to help America, America wants to help North Korea, Russia wants to help Italy, and the world working together to try to beat the coronavirus which they are working for peace on earth.
See how that works.
Controlled conflict brings about controlled change.
Is this what is going on, and now it is time to produce the New Age Christ.
The children are the future so eventually the world will embrace the new age movement, and evolution, and that interpretation of the Bible, for children are influenced differently today, and they will be more influenced in the future.
And we know more people do not believe in the Bible, and do not believe in a God, and many hypocrites that claim the Bible, and people are more selfish, and self exalting than before.
Because technology caused money and material things to flow like a raging river, and caused many fleshy pleasures, and worldliness, and entertainment, and many people seek those things and it elevated the selfishness, and arrogance of people to a level never before seen in the history of mankind.
So is the new age movement making a move now to produce the New Age Christ, and the people are ripe for the picking for the majority of the youth are rebellious type people that do not care about a God, and want to have their own way, being in a society where they feel insecure for all the success around them that they have no part with it, and want to be exalted and be somebody too.
That is why there is internet warriors because no one wants to be left out in exalting themselves and they cannot get that in public so they display that on the internet with their witty sayings, and say listen to my advice, and I am wise, and cutting down other people, and arguing with them, all in an attempt to show they are somebody special, and liking when people give them likes to boost their ego, and they get all giddy and tingly inside and think I am somebody special.
Yep they are ripe for the picking and now the new age movement can proceed with producing the New Age Christ.
And the children and the young people are going to love it for they are already taught evolution, and love superhero movies, and want to be like them, and want to exalt themselves and wanting revenge saying one day I will be somebody too.
For ask a child and the youth whether they want to be a billionaire or be like superman, and they will say be like superman.
Like the occult mystical Phoenix bird that is consumed in fire, and out of it's ashes arises a new Phoenix bird, will the collapse of America give birth to the new world order.