I have many questions to learn from all of you here. Please allow me to ask you all an other question if you don't mind.
Why God want (or need ) to create us (human beings) and why he Create us?
Obviously, it is clear that creating human beings along with the whole universe is a rather complicated hard work, why God spend his time to do the job? It maybe more easier and happier for him to spend his time to drink beer on sandbeach for himself, right?
There is a great controversy in heaven between God and a number of His Angels..
Lucifer was the leader of this opposition to God.. Lucifer /Satans claim was that God was not justified in being the one and only God of all existence and that He should be a God, the equal of God..
I believe God created the universe and us as a platform where satans claim to Godhood could be demonstrated as being false and wrong..
So God created the world and our first ancestors and as He said it was initially Good.. So what did satan do? He came down to sabotage Gods creation by enticing our ancestors to take for themselves the knowledge of good and evil and the enticement was ??? You guessed it that humans would be As God knowing good and evil.. Satan was telling them that the also could be Gods like God.. Well the humans fell for the deception of satan and decided to dis- believe Gods warning against doing such a thing..
I believe satan thought He had God defeated.. between a rock and a hard place.. doomed to lose no matter what God did.. God could have done 2 things at that time..
1) Destroyed the universe and humanity because they have been sabotaged and where no longer good.. God being good cannot allow evil to exist in eternity or else eternity will become contaminated with evil and thus will no longer be perfect..
2) God could have turned a blind eye to the evil and allowed the universe to continue..
I believe if God chose the number 1 option satan would then have turned around to the heavenly host and declared that God had Failed in his great creation and had to destroy it,, thus God cannot be justified as the perfect being and one and only God of all existence because of his creations failure
I believe if God chose option 2 then satan would have turned around to the heavenly host and accused God of being corrupt allowing evil to exist and be done and not judging it and putting an end to it and thus God was again unjustified in being the one and only God of all existence..
But i believe God in his Awesome wisdom and foreknowledge Knew exactly what satan was going to do to His creation and already have the solution to the sabotage.. In creating the universe and humanity and allowing satan to sabotage it He had given satan enough rope to hang himself.. God had the Way of salvation where the evil of men could be justly forgiven and the penalty of their evil could be paid in full by God himself suffering the death that was due upon all humanity.. So God already had a plan to Redeem His creation from the disastrous effects of what satan did to it..
So in the end God is praised and glorified by His wisdom and truth and satan is exposed as an evil transgressor who shall be cast into the eternal lake of fire along with all his rebel angels and all those people who have been allied with satan..