As the world is being envelope by the Coronavirus, other events that have taken place are not getting as much attention:
Locust hordes plague Africa & Middle East
Earthquakes hits multiple US states
Volcanic eruptions are on the rise
Of course these are all considered to be natural and have been present throughout history. They do seem to be coming with more frequency.
I’m not one to start proclaiming that the end is nigh, but I do believe that God is giving the inhabitants of the Earth a warning shot.
Is God pouring out His spirit to call people to לחזור בתשובה (repent) of their ways and turn to the atonement of Christ? I believe He is. Some will respond, sadly most will not.
Locust hordes plague Africa & Middle East
Earthquakes hits multiple US states
Volcanic eruptions are on the rise
Of course these are all considered to be natural and have been present throughout history. They do seem to be coming with more frequency.
I’m not one to start proclaiming that the end is nigh, but I do believe that God is giving the inhabitants of the Earth a warning shot.
Is God pouring out His spirit to call people to לחזור בתשובה (repent) of their ways and turn to the atonement of Christ? I believe He is. Some will respond, sadly most will not.
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