thanks. odds are stacked against me as usual.
Don't worry mate.
Jesus died for people like you and me.
Those who the odds are stacked against.
He came to heal the broken hearted, the marginalised, the bruised reeds, the sinners, the outcasts.
In fact the odds are in your favour. He loves people like you and me.
He loves those who love him and want to be like him and call on him for help.
Those who call on him and ask for mercy.
He looks at the heart and his judgement is based on that.
We only need to look at the greats in the Bible who messed up but God knew their heart.
When you meet him you will be judged on your faith in Jesus and salvation is based on that. Jesus saves us our works do not. Yes they will be judged but we are saved.
Our sins were dealt with on the cross as a result of faith in him.
That's different from prats who start threads like this one and a few others that have just been started.
They make Jesus want to vomit, brood of vipers, snakes, wolves in sheep's clothing, heretics, false teachers. They don't need Jesus as they are self indulgent, self congratulatory, condemning. They will pay the price. Sad thing is Jesus paid it for them.
Pharisees to the core. Woe to them as Jesus said.