My thoughts pure, but they were spoiled
My strength was mighty, but it brought weakness
My heart aimed for good, but my quiver had no arrows
My heart filled with love, but my chambers sat empty
My intent brought peace, but my actions caused war
My ears heard wisdom, but my eyes fixed on folly
My hands held fine sand, but my fingers sifted the grains
My honor shined bright, but my disgrace let darkness in
My life was a cluster of coal, but the Lord henceforth a diamond!
My strength was mighty, but it brought weakness
My heart aimed for good, but my quiver had no arrows
My heart filled with love, but my chambers sat empty
My intent brought peace, but my actions caused war
My ears heard wisdom, but my eyes fixed on folly
My hands held fine sand, but my fingers sifted the grains
My honor shined bright, but my disgrace let darkness in
My life was a cluster of coal, but the Lord henceforth a diamond!