I stated nothing about anything against the gospel but as per your M.O. attack is what you do.
I have no time to debate someone who walks w/o light!
All you have online is words,I pray in R L your light shines, but I doubt it.
Your fruit proves you lack love except to your clique.
May you meet Jesus my saviour who showed His great love in dying for all who come to Him in repentance of their sins!
There is only one Saviour and He saves completely apart from any and all works and He imparts eternal life that is in fact eternal.
That is the Gospel
So really the question remains, who are you talking about, certainly not Christ Jesus who is Savior and SAVES.
The fictional character you reference does not exist. Your character is necessarily but not sufficient...that is not a Saviour
Oh you come here, but have no time to debate, why is that?
Because you know you have no case based on scripture.