In 2 Thes ch 2 if you read it over and over you will see that the Antichrist is not revealed till after the rapture...and Elijah to come in Mal 4:5-6 must come before the rapture and restore all things...which he cannot do during the 7 year tribulation when the world will be blow apart....
top Christians know this....yet the world is looking for the wrong man first...which is not surprising...few are looking for Elijah or a Elijah like man....
and the Whole Bible says the same thing to everyone for its of no private interpretation....if you master all 66 books and 31,102 verses over lots and lots of hours reading and studying and implimenting the whole thing in context you can hold all truth that is promised in the Bible
So given the rapture can not come till One man Elijah gets here....and given Daniel makes it clear where the Antichrist comes from...Rome...and we know the Vatican rules Rome and the golden cup...the commentaries are clear....but maybe in a modern world now all religion is accepted as equal....but for the NT saints we know who the great whore is...The Vatican and Catholic church....
So we will have a John the Baptist like man that must come on the scene and do things...and the church won't be here for knowing who the Antichrist is...for that's after the rapture....the question is...why not learn the whole Bible and not worry so much about this TV world and cyber mess that is about to be destroyed....God bless
top Christians know this....yet the world is looking for the wrong man first...which is not surprising...few are looking for Elijah or a Elijah like man....
and the Whole Bible says the same thing to everyone for its of no private interpretation....if you master all 66 books and 31,102 verses over lots and lots of hours reading and studying and implimenting the whole thing in context you can hold all truth that is promised in the Bible
So given the rapture can not come till One man Elijah gets here....and given Daniel makes it clear where the Antichrist comes from...Rome...and we know the Vatican rules Rome and the golden cup...the commentaries are clear....but maybe in a modern world now all religion is accepted as equal....but for the NT saints we know who the great whore is...The Vatican and Catholic church....
So we will have a John the Baptist like man that must come on the scene and do things...and the church won't be here for knowing who the Antichrist is...for that's after the rapture....the question is...why not learn the whole Bible and not worry so much about this TV world and cyber mess that is about to be destroyed....God bless
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