Did you ask yourself the question, why did Yeshua take the curse of the law and not the blessings of the law? Please answer, because why would he do away with the law if there is a blessing for those who are obedient to the law. Keep this in mind, the law has NOTHING to do with salvation, it has NOTHING to do with justification and it has NOTHING to do with making one the righteousness of God. If it has nothing to do with what I mentioned then why did God give them? If you say to lead us to Christ, so that we may be guilty of sin you are correct, but as you see it has nothing to do with what I mentioned. The pharisees/scribes distorted the law of God, making it what it was not intended to be and that is what the Apostle Paul was correcting. He himself asked, do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. So, if the law is not made void what do YOU do with it?
People were doctrinated to believe that the whole law was taken to the cross. Why didn't make any mention about the blessing in being obedient to the law? satan distorted it with the pharisees, then afterward he push people to teach that they are done away with, but the Scriptures says that the law of God is Perfect, so why would God remove something that he calls perfect. Removing the law caused a division because the Jews and the Gentiles and that is what satan intention was and he did it be removing the Sabbath, that removed the entire Ten Commandments.
Yes the curse is severe which is why Yeshua took the curse of the law to the cross, but that is the only thing he took from the law, the curse and not the blessing. A word of encouragement, put aside all what you believe on this topic, pray before you read and ask God to reveal it to you, that is all I ask. Let me make this clear, being obedient to the law has NOTHING to do with salvation it is about obedience and there is no difference in being obedient to the commandments Love God with all and being obedience to the law, it is all about obedience. The curse will now condemn us because he redeemed us from that curse by believing in him, but my question to you, the person who does not believe is he redeemed from the curse of the law? That curse will come to him at time of judgment, he will be cast into the lake of fire. There is no condemnation to those who are IN Christ.
Yes, there are people who do not know Yeshua but are blessed because they are doing that which is right, but my question are they redeem from the curse of the law? Only if they believe and receive Yeshua. The young man told Yeshua that he keeps the law, he left sad. Scripture says, what does it prophet a man if he gains the whole world and lose his soul? Also, there is a way that seem righteous to a man but the end thereof is destruction.
I am not ignoring the curse of the law and I am making it clear from the above and I also made myself clear in the above that the law has nothing to do with being save, nor justification, nor make one God's righteousness. The Apostle Paul was correcting and that is what the letters of Epistles are, correction and instruction. They were making the law as if it was work and that is a distorted teaching that the church of Galatians were doing and Acts 15 is an example.
I clearly understand it and if some reads the Scripture without knowing doctrine they will come out with the truth of God's word, what God may clear when he first spoke.
You asked how could God tell me that? Look at the tension of this discussion and believe me, never once did I say you were wrong, I am telling you what God made clear when he first spoke. A one time I believe in what you believe because I was taught that, but as I started reading Scriptures, no commentary, not leaning to people who are put in high place, I started learning the truth of God's word. Let me also make this clear, I am not into the Hebrews root movement and I do not call myself a messianic believer, I call myself a follower of Yeshua and lean more toward Christianity then the Messianic, the difference between us, I hold the Sabbath and I am obedient to the law of God, nothing to do with what I said above.
I am convince without a doubt that what I am post is what God made clear when he first spoke, is that simple when one reads the Scriptures, but men distorts God's word and impress it as with a hot iron in the lives of many.
It is okay and I respect you honesty in wanting to end this discussion with me, but you can get on my site
https://info349479.wixsite.com/mysite I post lessons the Spirit of God teaches me, it is about encouragement and growing with God in Yeshua.
You can even email me from there and I send you there not to purchase the book, but to share biblical teachings that you probably never heard, but in you subconscious you might have known.