Coffee.... the nectar of the morning gods.... if there was such a thing.
I grew up in a home where my mom and dad both drank coffee all day long. My mom would take freshly brewed coffee and microwave it to make it hot enough. I'm not that tough.
I didn't drink coffee until I was in my early 20's... working construction, commercial carpentry... when break time rolled around, and we would go in "the shack" for break, nobody would make hot chocolate for me

, so I started drinking coffee to warm up. Been enjoying it ever since. Black. No additives. I really despise the taste of sweetened coffee

I got a new burr grinder for Christmas, and have been grinding my own, when I make it at home, which is normally only on weekends. My company provides us free coffee/tea/etc at work, so I just wait til I get to work (around 5:30 am) for my first/second/third cups.
It is definitely an acquired taste.... like beer. .... or so I've heard....