If homosexuality is a sin, then why didn't Jesus say anything about it?

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Senior Member
Dec 6, 2016
Jesus is God, God the Father is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. When one of them makes a statement it is as if all three makes that statement. Jesus said He did not change anything of the Father. When the Father created woman, Jesus was there. When God told Adam and Eve to be fruitful, in other words to have sex, Jesus was there. When sex was created for man and woman to unite, Jesus was there. He did not have to repeat for us all that God tells us of our world.


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
Was jesus absent or in dsiagreement at sodom and gomrah? think about it
Jesus did not have to say a thing about this topic. Transgender was not a term coined 2000 years ago. it was created 1965.

You point is unbiblical.

Just did say that If you being a man look on a women to lust after her you have committed Adultery already with her in your heart. If the right I offends you pluck it OUT( meaning deal with your sin or it will deal with you). Better to enter into heaven missing a part of your body than to have the whole cast into Hell.

Those look to justify Homosexuality and all the other letters hide the truth because it is to much for them.

Jesus said if you look with a lustful heart you have sinned.
By this standard IT IS UNDERSTOOD the following is wrong:

child abuse
political parties .

Jesus did not have to dress ever sin because HE paid for all of them. Now walk in freedom or not. This man is speaking of issues that have effected his community and bring the word of God to explain how this type of sin will destroy you as will all who do not come to the saving knowledge of Christ


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2019
So you are saying that straight people never chose, but homosexuals DID choose? huh?? And why choose something that would cause you so much pain and misery due to others? Makes no sense. The whole choice thng is bs.
i hate it so much when people use this argument. i really hate it. this is one of the worst arguments to use and ignorant as possible

people choose things that bring misery and pain to themselves all the time. ever see someone choose to use drugs? bad choice. ever see someone choose to cheat in taxes? bad choice. thousands of examples of people making bad choices all the time. i will make one tonight i plan on eating greasy foods i know are not good for my health. so really man. who doesnt make bad choices?

you people didnt really think this through.


Senior Member
Feb 4, 2016
If homosexuality is a sin, then why didn't Jesus say anything about it? Jesus addressed many issues and many sins and, yet, he never said a thing about this topic.
He did: Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men.

Note: 1 COR 6:9 was written by Paul, but the message came from the resurrected Christ.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2019
i hate it so much when people use this argument. i really hate it. this is one of the worst arguments to use and ignorant as possible

people choose things that bring misery and pain to themselves all the time. ever see someone choose to use drugs? bad choice. ever see someone choose to cheat in taxes? bad choice. thousands of examples of people making bad choices all the time. i will make one tonight i plan on eating greasy foods i know are not good for my health. so really man. who doesnt make bad choices?

you people didnt really think this through.
"Jesus never addressed the issue of Pedophilia either..." (from the video) To address that line you rebuked, and rightly so, one would have to then interject in that failed argument that Jesus never addressed the issue of Pedophilia either, therefore Pedophilia must be OK with God.
I've yet to meet anyone that does this while defending the immoral behaviors of homosexuality and trans. , which are openly condemned in the Bible by Jesus. And repeatedly.

Often times the excuse is made by those who are homosexual or trans.

Both are a kind of dysfunction. In the full scale of survival of our species, homosexuality precludes its progress. Further, nothing in the human anatomy, keeping this clean here, was created to receive male homosexual acts. As the seed of the male is what meets the egg of the woman, human procreation and reproduction is in progress. The human species survives.
Whereas in the male on male contact, there is nothing made for that to be construed as a natural or normal act.

Cross dressing, trans people, are worthy of our compassion and pity but not our indifference nor tolerance of their dysfunction to the point we concede to their disease and agree to use the gender pronoun of choice that furthers their condition through our concession in speech.
Very often trans males will insist they are female on the inside and yet, not surprising this is a condition of their mental dysfunction, among all the mutilating surgeries they afford their male body, such as breast implants, they rarely have their male member surgically altered so as to conform to a female's anatomy as best as this type surgery may afford them.

Great sermon!
Homosexuality and Trans. have yet to be proven, even biologically as regards Homosexuals, that Homosexuality is an immutable characteristic.
No pheromones, no genetic model, nothing. Unlike the evidence that supports race, gender, etc...

I think when Christians make the effort to make an excuse for sin they're not really able to speak to what Jesus did say or did not say. Because they're insisting a particular sin is OK with the God that condemned all sin. And often it just so happens to be the sin those defenders are enmeshed in. Jesus also addressed and condemned Lesbianism, or women's homosexuality, as well.

The worst part of this conundrum in our society is that children are , at least in America, now able to be adopted by Homosexuals and Trans. people. As a matter of the 14th amendment, and tolerance.

Very tragic.
Apr 15, 2017
Thank you for replying but it doesn't answer the question which is why didn't Jesus say one word about it? Homosexuality (orientation) was not undestood in Biblical times. It is not clear throughout the whole Bible; there are only six verses and some of those are questionable/have been questioned.

I am straight. I never chose. I believe it is not a choice. Not one I ever made and not one that anyone can make, or would want to make. That means it is not their fault. So many sins out there where people are harming others and we choose this particular thing to be obsessed with. Why???
Homosexuality is a sin for if it is an abomination in the Old Testament then it is an abomination in the New Testament, and the New Testament is against homosexuality which are the words of Jesus through the writers.

If a person does not choose their sexual orientation and are not at fault then a person that steals could have the same excuse, and the person that abuses their spouse could have the same excuse, and then we would have an excuse for our sins for we are born that way.

The Bible says that the angels always behold the face of the Father for the little ones, which means they are protected spiritually until the age of accountability, for we are not blamed for Adam and Eve's sin for that is their sin but everybody is born with a choice so we are born not knowing God so we will do wrong before we come to God and repent, which all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, done the act not born with it.

So we are born innocent with no sin on our record so it is a choice they make to be homosexual.

If God created Adam and Eve as 2 different sexes then if a person is born with all the male parts then they are a male no doubt, and if they are born with all the female parts they are a female no doubt, but there is females with all the female parts being lesbian, and males with all the male parts being gay, which they should be attracted to the opposite sex but they go against that and sin by being homosexual.

Rom 1:19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
Rom 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
Rom 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Creation testifies that there is a higher power and of His attributes, so it should be a natural reaction to believe in a higher power which they did a lot in the past until evolution came out and caused them to go against that.

And a man being attracted to a female and a woman being attracted to a male should be a natural reaction but they are going against that.

For the more people disregard God and His ways the more they will go by the flesh that is perverted, and lust after the same sex, especially if they view the opposite sex as not being that great which men and women are fighting more today than in the past.

If women are against men they might turn gay, and if men are against women they might turn gay, which men and women are fighting with each other, and disgusted with each other more than in the past, but there is still no excuse for being gay.

Like a man that is in prison that was not gay on the outside might be gay in prison for that is all that is available but when they get out might not be gay ever again.

If women are against men, and men against women, some of them are going to turn gay.

Also concerning men being homosexual God did not create that part of the body for that purpose, and nature testifies that a man and a woman should be together because of their body parts.

But they are pushing homosexuality and trying to convince people that they are born gay and have no choice, and nothing is wrong, and pointing out men in the media as dogs not caring for the feelings of women, and women as controlling and money hungry to try to drive a wedge between them because they want population reduction according to the new age movement plan.

Homosexuality is a choice and they are not born with it.

The same as Jesus saying since iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold for technology caused money and material things to flow like a raging river, and worldliness galore, and fleshy pleasures aplenty, so it kicked up the selfishness, arrogance, and self exaltation of people to a level never seen before in the history of mankind according to the flesh.

So the more fleshy they are the more people will be homosexual, and the more they do not regard a higher power, or not in the truth the more people will be homosexual, and if they do not like to retain God in their knowledge after a while He does not work in their lives so they only go by the flesh, and in the flesh dwells no good thing.

And people that believe in a God but do not abide by love people and goodness then God is not working in their lives like He wants so some people that claim Christianity could be homosexual.

My sister has a friend that is a lesbian, drinks, and does cocaine, and is a deacon of a Church, which her lack of understanding to allow the Spirit to lead her causes her to have those errors in her life, which the Bible says some have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof, and think they are alright despite their sins, or that they are not sins.

In the occult, especially today for they cut out a higher power in favor of evolution and people are still evolving, these are the worse people of all on earth for it is all about exalting themselves by the power of nature, and the most dangerous people, and going by the flesh more than anyone, which these people are the most likely candidates to be homosexual, and even offend little children, being perverted like Sodom and Gomorrah for God is not working in their lives at all, and much worse than a traditional atheist that does not believe in the supernatural, which look at their parties they throw how they are so weird and strange.

And these are the people that will make war against the saints at the beast kingdom which the New Age Christ will have no desire of women, and exalt himself above all, and all his followers will exalt themselves and have no desire for the opposite sex, which does not mean they will be gay but maybe they will only want to pursue the new age movement, but it will be international law that a man and a woman cannot marry for population reduction so they are getting the ball rolling now.

Accept us they cry, you are born gay and cannot help it but that is who you are, and men are dogs, and women money hungry, and blah, blah, blah.

But you would think out of all the thousands of years that men have went to war to protect their land and people that the women would have some appreciation for the men preserving their lives, but the world does not operate that way but they are self exalting when given the chance, and the men showing appreciation for the women that treated them like kings and catered to them for thousands of years, and all the men that acted right, and all the women that acted right.

But they forgot all that for the time is here for people to be highly selfish, and highly self exalting, because it is the end time, and unthankful, and unholy, and they will exalt their own sex along with it and be at odds and cannot stand each other more than any other time in history.

So many people will turn gay, and that is what the new age movement wants, and they do not care about reproducing for they only want so many people on earth, population reduction, and believe they will evolve to be greater and spiritual by the New Age Christ which probably then there is no point in being married.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2019
Jesus also addressed and condemned Lesbianism
i believe bible condemns this as well its clearly in leviticus and new testament. but for me personally i dont see this as so serious maybe because im male myself. but there is nothing really occuring there for me. as you said trying to keep it clean here, but really i see nothing going on there.
but no matter what i think its still a sin because God says it.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2019
i believe bible condemns this as well its clearly in leviticus and new testament. but for me personally i dont see this as so serious maybe because im male myself. but there is nothing really occuring there for me. as you said trying to keep it clean here, but really i see nothing going on there.
but no matter what i think its still a sin because God says it.
It's sexual immorality. Lesbians or men engaging in Homosexual acts is an abomination to God and His design for human sexuality and procreation. It isn't a benign sin just becasue it is two women engaging in the sin.


Well-known member
May 23, 2012
Thank you for replying but it doesn't answer the question which is why didn't Jesus say one word about it? Homosexuality (orientation) was not understood in Biblical times. It is not clear throughout the whole Bible; there are only six verses and some of those are questionable/have been questioned.

I am straight. I never chose. I believe it is not a choice. Not one I ever made and not one that anyone can make, or would want to make. That means it is not their fault. So many sins out there where people are harming others and we choose this particular thing to be obsessed with. Why???
Your understanding of the word of God is not correct. There are many sins Jesus or the word of God did not speak of specific. But how we are to live and treat each other is.

Marriage is defined in Genesis chapter 2: 24 " for this reason shall a man leave his mother and father and cleave to his " wife" and they shall be ONE flesh. This is the only acceptable context of man and women relationship. To suggest there are only six verses in all 66 books of the bibe on the context of marriage and man and women relationship is error and ignorance of the word of God.

more like whole chapters to be correct. And if there were only 6 verses that would have been enough with just one found in the beginning of man and women relations as God ordained it to be found in Gen 2:24.

There are no questions to be answered homosexuality is sin all the letters LGBTQ = sin

Let God be true and every man a liar.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2019
For the record, this thread was not active since August of 2018 until the video post in reply #461.
Just as an aside that quoting members that replied over a year ago may not gain a response from said member replied to.

The idea that Jesus never condemned Homosexuality nor Trans. behavior, is a misnomer contemplated from omission. Which is to say, ignoring the fact that Jesus was God first. Therefore, if we contemplate the question , did Jesus condemn Homosexuality and Trans. behavior, the answer from that truth is, yes. In both the old and new testaments.

Romans 1:26-27
For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
Sep 3, 2016
If homosexuality is a sin, then why didn't Jesus say anything about it?

The Truth is every Word that God has ever spoken is in Truth and Righteousness. Therefore the Word (Jesus Christ) had a lot to say about this subject through the Holy Spirit.


Jesus addressed many issues and many sins and, yet, he never said a thing about this topic.
Jesus didn't make a whole list of every possible sin. He was talking to Jews who already knew the laws. In fact Jesus really didn't spend much time on sin at all. He answered questions and he called the scribes and Pharisees on their hypocrisy. His apostles however as they moved into gentile lands where idolatry was prevalent and they didn't have the law; they did address homosexuality and other sexual immoralities, and sins.
Dec 30, 2019
i will make one tonight i plan on eating greasy foods i know are not good for my health. so really man. who doesnt make bad choices?
It is interesting to attend the classes for people that have heart conditions as a result of bad eating choices. People have to choose if they want to be healthy and if they want to live. It all comes down to diet, exercise and stress control.


Senior Member
May 17, 2015
The big elephant in the room is that Jesus is the Word, the Logos. Therefore, whatever the Scriptures say about homosexuality came from Him. The Bible authors wrote under inspiration by the Holy Spirit, who proceeds from both the Father and the Son.


He actually did address it though in Mathew 15.


im gonna go out and buy a bag of weed, its ok because Jesus didnt mention it! what else did Jesus not mention? wish i would have thought of this back when i was in my 20s.