If Jim or Plain would, I am curious as to how you answer these questions? If not, I completely understand.
Is this the "restored earth" with only of the true theocracy but also of that more perfect state of (even physical) things which existed before the fall?
Was all prophecy fulfilled?
How is it I am flesh and blood yet flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God?
Why hasn't EVERYONE put on incorruption? How is it possible that when Christ returns ALL are changed, but we STILL have not?
If a "millennium" is a thousand years, then how are we still in it?
Okay the very heart of the matter, all that scripture you posted, praise His name, all points to what I am saying here, but I LOVE this question "
So my question are if Christ returned from heaven, where is He now?"
Well, He is sitting on His throne at the right hand of the Father with
All authority in heaven and
on earth. Ruling until, by His will and power, His Spirit on earth is bringing everything under Christ, to His kingdom, a spiritual kingdom that we are in "RIGHT NOW TODAY", if we are in Him. This kingdom will know no end, and He even tells us how it grows in the parable you posted, it grows like the mustard seed, starts off the smallest, but over time grows to shade the whole garden so all can find rest in it's shade and branches. Also He does have to, after all enemies have been made a foot stool for His feet, return to earth, believers and unbelievers will be raised, and final judgment will occur. Then there will be a new heaven and earth and the entrance into the eternal state.
What He tells us the kingdom is NOT is something we point to and say "there is the kingdom of God", think about it. If you are waiting for Jesus to bring His kingdom on the clouds in a way we can point to and say "there is the kingdom of God", I think that is exactly what He told us it wasn't, and was and is to this day the same misconception the Jews have on what the Messiah will be. That's just what I think. As far as the 1000 year thing I have to just admit I'm not 100% on that particular issue yet. I haven't looked into it yet much, but thank you I have a motivation to answer that now, just to kind of show I already looked into it trying to see any possible argument that are out there and I haven't read much at all , just glanced over one that spoke about the verse that talks about the "ushering in of the millennial kingdom", again I am going look look into this much deeper now, but that ushering in maybe giving time in between some of this 1,000. I realize how weak, shoddy, and hollow this is, and I don't even accept it as any kind of answer to your question, but it was just all I could find in a quick Google search in the middle of a comment.