Yer still not "gettin' it", are ya "my little sherlock."
It's like you and "your pals" pedal some "hind sighted, denial" dogma...
This is why it can become so dangerous in giving too much information to "wanna be" followers of Christ!
The "stranger danger" of being "cut off", never realizing, and in OSAS domgas, not having to even "worry" about being "cut off!"
Here lemme give you that which you are either lacking, or willingly ignorant of concerning, and your putting "the cart before the horse", "twisting deniability" superstition.
We are seeing
AFTER THE FACT that indeed, "my little sherlock" these ones
didn't MAKE IT!
In your
twisting deniability "wisdom of man", You
FLAT OUT "Bet the farm", that these ones were
never saved!
Here is perhaps "my little sherlock", where you may be able to help me out!
These ones Jesus "never knew?" In
all liklihood? BEFORE THE FACT? TRULY BELIEVED THEY DID! And TAUGHT others to believe that VERY SAME THING!
Now you and all the other "little sherlocks", out there, or in here, can run around yelling and screaming and teaching, and mock and scoff till the cows come home,
"THEY NEVER BELIEVED FROM THE START!" "THEY NEVER BELIEVED FROM THE START!!" (I've seen many in here who state this very thing)
The "evidence" of THAT, is written!
You are
in DENIAL however, that these very
same people?
My QUESTION to you, and ALL the little "sherlocks" out there?
"How do you spell "DELUSION?"
Perhaps "that" word isn't in your vocabulary?
you and all yer sherlock buddies?
that in yer little "bubble pipes", take a
deep breath?