all those seminaries suck and are unbiblical thats my opinion. Jesus never asked people for money to come learn the word of God. these people are mechandising christianity conservative or liberal why would i pay hundreds of dollars to listen to something Jesus said should be free?
no seminaries in the bible or early church times either. its recent development.
Actually, it is biblical. In the time of Elijah/Elisha, there were schools of the prophets. And, Jesus was operating a seminary of sorts, based on his perfect teachings.
I have mentioned that as a younger man, I was involved in a cult. The founder was an ignorant man with no theological education, who did not understand Greek, Hebrew, Church History, Hermeneutics, or the Bible for that matter. He supposedly studied day and night for 6-8 months and realized everyone else was wrong by his own diligent studies. I am guessing he was reading a lot of cultic materials because I recognize where he got some of his teachings from.
Every cult leader thinks he is the valiant defender of the true gospel, and that his ability to discern is more than most people. Vanity fuels the formation of such organizations. In reality, they are being deceived by their own fallen nature and Satan.
At this point, I would not have a head pastor who was not taught in a sound seminary, I don' t think. If I did, he would be a rare exception.
Having a good education doesn't guarantee orthodoxy, though, and many seminaries teach false things such as denying the inerrancy of Scripture.
I will agree that the Holy Spirit teaches each true believer, but he uses the means of the Church, and teachers are part of the gifts God has given. I do not negate the contributions of teachers that don't have degrees, either. But, I have no issues with educated and paid pastors and teachers.
Some of them, especially in Reformed seminaries, are ordained pastors with real experience.
Actually I think it is a shame when the Church doesn't pay pastors and teachers a liveable wage. I am not talking about extravagance like the prosperity gospels, but a liveable wage.
However, we are getting off into a lot of side trails here