Hey everyone sorry for being mia again I got my eye medicine so I have been taking it for the last week and it has helped me see a bit better so hopefully soon it wont be hard at all to be able to see everything. But honestly i came today for help with something. Lately I have felt drawn to research the meaning of biblical numbers specifically the numbers 20 and 8 and felt an inner voice say to my spirit to pay attention to this new year 2020. There are several different definitions and meaning of the biblical definition and how it is used in scripture but this is the main sumarry that defines it within the bible
the cycles of completeness. It is not so widely used, but often it is connected to a perfect period of waiting, labor or suffering that is compared to a trial and reward and the number 8 seems to point to renewal spiritual rebirth and or awakening. I dont believe in accidences or coincidence and after finding the meanings of these numbers I wondered if perhaps I felt drawn to them because of a spiritual happening not merely my own curiosity.
It is no secret I have spoken many many times on here all the prophetic dreams and visions I have recieved in near eight years of being saved particulary pertaining to the end times and the many visions and dreams of the rapture and the tribulation.However in the last few years or so in my journey with God I have felt I am to be waiting for something I have not been able to understand what it is or when it is only I am to keep moving forwards in him seek and wait. Inside it feels like my true calling as if there is a reason for the fact that even though I am meek weak and timid in this life when I found him a fire began to burn brightly inside the heart of a feirce warrior rose inside me like it is me but not me as if who I truly am in him lays deep inside waiting to be called out.
I always tell him that he only needs to call my name and I will answer no matter how big or small the tyask no matter how dangerous or safe my blade will always be his to command and I wonder sometimes if there is a reason that I speak this wayt to him and is it because of this feirce fire that resides deep inside me. I mean I have neever spoken in such a way until I met him not many people even think like this let alone speak like it it isnt as if we live in the medival ages of kings and knights yet when I met him this is the language my heart spoke.
Honestly I dont know why I felt I had to speak all of this before I got to the point when I begin to type the words just flow. However the real reason i needed help today is because of something that happened last night. We were driving around last night when suddenly as i looked at the night sky I was overcome with a heavy sense of warning and imminent urgency.
Likr have you ever had that sense of knowing in your spirit? as if in that moment there is no denying what your sensing? It rarely ever happens to me only in my dreams sometimes but this time it happened to me in the form of a vision while we were driving and it was heavy this time as it wieghed on my spirit. I felt as if a warning was being spoken to me a sense of danger and yet at the same time relief, like there was an anxiety because it felt as if it was about to happen in that veryh second yet I was not afraid rather like said a sense of relief as if I could finally breathe for the first time in so long.
Honestly I have never been very good at trusting myself in these matters what i felt and experienced was intense but I always come to others first for sound judgment before I put any stock into these things. What do you guys think?
the cycles of completeness. It is not so widely used, but often it is connected to a perfect period of waiting, labor or suffering that is compared to a trial and reward and the number 8 seems to point to renewal spiritual rebirth and or awakening. I dont believe in accidences or coincidence and after finding the meanings of these numbers I wondered if perhaps I felt drawn to them because of a spiritual happening not merely my own curiosity.
It is no secret I have spoken many many times on here all the prophetic dreams and visions I have recieved in near eight years of being saved particulary pertaining to the end times and the many visions and dreams of the rapture and the tribulation.However in the last few years or so in my journey with God I have felt I am to be waiting for something I have not been able to understand what it is or when it is only I am to keep moving forwards in him seek and wait. Inside it feels like my true calling as if there is a reason for the fact that even though I am meek weak and timid in this life when I found him a fire began to burn brightly inside the heart of a feirce warrior rose inside me like it is me but not me as if who I truly am in him lays deep inside waiting to be called out.
I always tell him that he only needs to call my name and I will answer no matter how big or small the tyask no matter how dangerous or safe my blade will always be his to command and I wonder sometimes if there is a reason that I speak this wayt to him and is it because of this feirce fire that resides deep inside me. I mean I have neever spoken in such a way until I met him not many people even think like this let alone speak like it it isnt as if we live in the medival ages of kings and knights yet when I met him this is the language my heart spoke.
Honestly I dont know why I felt I had to speak all of this before I got to the point when I begin to type the words just flow. However the real reason i needed help today is because of something that happened last night. We were driving around last night when suddenly as i looked at the night sky I was overcome with a heavy sense of warning and imminent urgency.
Likr have you ever had that sense of knowing in your spirit? as if in that moment there is no denying what your sensing? It rarely ever happens to me only in my dreams sometimes but this time it happened to me in the form of a vision while we were driving and it was heavy this time as it wieghed on my spirit. I felt as if a warning was being spoken to me a sense of danger and yet at the same time relief, like there was an anxiety because it felt as if it was about to happen in that veryh second yet I was not afraid rather like said a sense of relief as if I could finally breathe for the first time in so long.
Honestly I have never been very good at trusting myself in these matters what i felt and experienced was intense but I always come to others first for sound judgment before I put any stock into these things. What do you guys think?
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