Even I don't believe Jesus raised himself from the dead!
Well the Bible says otherwise. There are passages in the Bible which say that:
1. The Father raised Jesus from the dead.
2. The Son raised Himself from the dead.
3. The Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead.
There are no contradictions here since the triune Godhead was involved in this stupendous miracle. So you will need to revise your thinking on this matter.
Getting back to the OP, a couple of alternative options could also have been included. In any event Christians need to be aware of several things that are revealed in Scripture regarding signs, wonders, and miracles:
1. Christianity as such is supernatural. The New Birth itself is a miracle. The power of the Holy Spirit within the children of God is also supernatural.
2. Miracles are "signs" and generally for unbelieving Jews. Christ condemned those who always looked for a sign. On the other hand He commended simple faith.
3. Miracles occurred at specific times during the history of Israel, not all the time.
4. Miracles during the ministry of Christ and the apostles were to authenticate the fact that (a) Christ was truly from God, thus the true Messiah and (b) the Gospel was truly from God, thus the signs, wonders, and miracles of the apostles. On the Day of Pentecost, supernatural tongues were given to show the Jews that the Gospel was divine.
5. Healing was not guaranteed even while the apostles were on earth, and Paul's *thorn in the flesh* (a physical infirmity or disability, probably very poor eyesight) would not be healed deliberately. He even had to pray for Epaphroditus, and could not heal Timothy's ailing stomach.
6. According to James, the prayer of faith of the elders of the church was guaranteed to bring healing to a sick Christian. Whether this is put into practice in churches today is questionable.
7. The history of the Church shows that many men and women of God who were outstanding servants of God were in very poor health or seriously disabled. (And this does not even address the question of all the Christian martyrs who were brutally killed and executed).
8. Church history is clear that after the apostles passed on signs, wonders, and miracles ceased. Not one of the Apostolic Fathers claimed to be an apostle or a prophet.
9. Church history also reveals the the Roman Catholic Church began reporting counterfeit miracles, stigmata, levitation, etc. among Catholic *saints*. We also have charlatan *faith healers* today claiming to be miracles workers while promoting false doctrines and heresies.
Christians are always to pray and bring their needs to God, but physical healing is NOT guaranteed to believers. It is the healing of the soul which God is primarily involved with, since He has already told us that He will give His children glorious, immortal, perfect, eternal bodies at the Resurrection/Rapture.